5ive (Thirty)

by Myfanny Warhurst

What do you get when you combine two dodgy blokes who have very credible, secure careers - one in radio, the other as a comedian/commentator - but who really want to be wearing all white outfits and singing cheesy tunes in a boy band? You get comedian Wil Anderson and radio DJ Adam Spencer's Comedy Festival show, 5ive Thirty.

Yep, it's melody all the way with these two, who'll be singing tunes, teaching dance moves, singing show tunes, and generally having a bit of a good time in a very early time slot.

Yep, they get a little tired when they start the day at 6am, so they reckon it's OK to start a show at 5.30pm. School kids will love it, and they're the ones who seem to love the boy bands anyway. Perfect! Here's hoping the two can harmonise.