Celebrity Money

7 November 2000, Sunday Telegraph


If you lost all your money, how would you make it again?

About half an hour of busking should be enough to rebuild my entire fortune, another half hour if I also wanted a cup of coffee


What job would you like to do for a day?

Eddie Maguire's. So I could resign and singly-handedly solve Australia's unemployment problem.


What has been your best investment?

Do Pokemon cards count? I've also got an old Leigh Matthews football card I got with a packet of bubblegum


What do you like to waste money on?

Put it this way, if Winona Ryder would stop making movies, I would be a very wealthy man


The Queen turns off the lights. How do you save money?

When I'm out drinking with rugby league players, I always go before it's my shout


How does comedy compare to your old job of finace reporting?

There are less jokes in finance reporting. Well unless you count the current value of the Australian dollar.


Before you had the money to buy it, what did you really want?

Underwear. It was starting to get really embarrasing in the change rooms at school sports carnivals.


How would you spend $1000?

I'd risk it all and play on for the million, thanks Eddie.


How would you spend $10000?

Pay off my part of Peter Reith's phone bill. Yes, that's right, I am Miss X.


How would you spend $1 million?

Ring Woody Harrelson and see if that offer still stands with Demi Moore.


Finish this sentence:If I had the money, I would...

...do exactly what I do now, but in much more expensive shoes.