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undefined My Karate Page
My Karate Page

Many people think that karate is "learning how to fight". Well, we do learn how to fight properly to defend ourselves and others, but the main purpose of it is to learn to "not fight". Discipline, respect, integrity, and perserverence are absolutely necessary to karate. Courtesy, self-control, and having an indomitable spirit are by products of this sport.

I didn't really know the meaning of these words until I started karate. I didn't realize that sticking with a hard job has a reward. In fact, in my recent test, I failed to break a board. A week earlier I broke 15 of them in a "break-a-thon" for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. I was upset but "persevered". I did not give up. I felt bad but after the test, Mr. Saint, the 4th degree black belt. who is also my instructors teacher, told me that a loser would have given up. A winner keeps trying no matter the outcome. Then people who watched the test started telling me that I did a good job. I was really glad that I kept trying until I was told to rest.

My father attends SWTC. We helped him put on a demo for his oral interpretation class. Here are some pictures.

I recently switched from Tang So Do Karate to Tae Kwan Do. It is really fun. Both styles are fun and both styles have a lot to offer. In Tang So Do I have a brown belt. I had to begin again at the beginning in Tae Kwon Do but advanced fast because much of the stuff is the same and I already knew it. I tested on May 21, 1999 for my green belt. Now I am a green belt which is about half way to black.

Tae Kwon Do is an ancient Korean art of self-defense. Literally translated, Tae Kwon Do means "FOOT HAND ART." Tae Kwon Do is the ultimate in self-defense and physical fitness for men, women, and children of all ages. Through continued training and application of Tae Kwon Do, people of all ages, sizes, and abilities find that this martial art develops their mental and physical potentials to their highest levels.

Tenets of Tae Kwon Do


Tae Kwon Do Pledge

To train both mind and body through Tae Kwon Do.
To be a courageous opponent against untruth.
To promote a friendly relationship among all people.
To follow all the rules of Tae Kwon Do and the instructor.

Tae Kwon Do Oath

I shall observe the tenets of Tae Kwon Do.
I shall respect my instructors and seniors
I shall never misuse Tae Kwon Do.
I shall be a champion of freedom and justice
I shall build a more peaceful world.

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