The pictures on this page are of children who have been taken from their loved ones. If you see any of them please let your local law enforcement agency know or contact the agencies looking for them. Those links are provided below.
Case Type :Family Abduction
DOB :20-feb-1992 Age :6 years
Race :White
Height :4' 3" Weight :60 lbs
Eyes :Blue Hair : Blonde
Date Missing :13-aug-1998
City of Report :SYLVA
State of Report :NC
Country of Report :USA
Circumstances : The child was abducted by his non-custodial father, Sean Spencer Copeland. A FBI
Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution warrant was issued for the abductor on September 2, 1998. The
abductor has a scar on his left wrist and a gap between his front teeth. Marc has a scar on his neck and back
and he also has a gap between his front teeth.
Case Number :851694
Case Type :Endangered Missing
DOB :29-oct-1989 Age :8 years
Race :Black
Height :4' 4" Weight :59 lbs
Eyes :Brown Hair : Black
Date Missing :04-sep-1998
City of Report :UNADILLA
State of Report :GA
Country of Report :USA
Circumstances : Shy'Kemmia was last seen at her residence on September 4, 1998 at approximately 7:00
p.m. She has a surgical scar along her waistline.
Case Number :852942
Case Type :Lost Injured Missing
DOB :13-mar-1991 Age :7 years
Race :White
Height :4' 4" Weight :45 lbs
Eyes :Blue Hair : Blonde
Date Missing :11-sep-1998
City of Report :TAMPA
State of Report :FL
Country of Report :USA
Circumstances : Amanda was discovered missing from her bedroom when her mother went to check on her
at 6:00 a.m. on September 11, 1998. Amanda was last seen wearing a blue and white nightgown. She has
scars on her forehead.
Case Number :853344
ABDUCTED BY: Geordan Traver
DOB: 10/25/61 AGE: 36 Yrs.
Height: 5' 11" Weight: 190 lbs.
Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue
ID Info: He wears his hair short and he could have a mustache. He may be working as a welder/diver.
CIRCUMSTANCES: Amber was abducted by her non-custodial father. A felony warrant for kidnapping has
been issued.
If you have any information regarding this case please contact: National Missing Children's Locate Center (800)999-7846
or US Virgin Island Police Department (340)774-2211 or your local law enforcement office.
KW - NMCLC 7/30/98
If you have seen Amber or her father or Marc Copeland,
you may also contact The Lost Child by clicking on this link or the banner below.
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