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Number Kind Price
2 Alien Abduction $0.10
1 Alien Labyrinth $0.10
1 Anaphasic Organism $0.10
3 Archer $0.10
1 Birth of "Junior" $0.10
2 Chalnoth $0.10
1 El-Adrel Creature $0.10
1 Hunter Gangs $0.10
6 Iconian Computer Weapon $0.10
3 Impassable Door $0.10
2 Male’s Love Interest $0.10
3 Malfunctioning Door $0.10
2 Microvirus $0.10
1 Nanites $0.10
1 Nitrium Metal Parasites $0.10
1 Outpost Raid $0.10
1 Phased Matter $0.10
1 Radioactive Garbage Scow $0.10
1 Shaka, When the Walls Fell $0.10

I’ll sell all 34 StarTrek Cards for $2.50!

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