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Number Kind Price
1 Alien Probe $0.10
2 Atmosperic Ionization $0.10
1 Baryon Buildup $0.10
1 Distortion Field $0.10
1 Drought Tree $0.10
2 Engage Shuttle Operations $0.10
3 Espionage: Federation on Klingon $0.10
1 Espionage: Klingon on Federation $0.10
1 Espionage: Romulan on Klingon $0.10
2 Espionage: Romulan on Klingon $0.10
1 Genetronic Replicator $0.10
1 Hob-projectors $0.10
1 Masaka Transformations $0.10
1 The Mask of Korgano $0.10
1 Neural Servo Device $0.10
1 Particle Scattering Field $0.10
4 Pattern Enhancers $0.10
2 Plasma Fire $0.10
1 Red Alert! $0.10
6 Res-Q $0.10
1 Rishon Uxbridge $0.10
1 Spacedock $0.10
1 Static Warp Bubble $0.10
1 Subspace Warp Rift $0.10
1 Supernova $0.25
1 Telepathic Alien Kidnappers $0.10
3 Tetryon Field $0.10
1 The Traveler: Transcendece $0.10
2 Treaty: Federation/Klingon $0.10
3 Treaty: Federation/Romulan $0.10
1 Treaty: Romulan/Klingon $0.10
3 Where no one has gone before $0.10
1 Yellow Alert $0.10

I'll sell all 54 Event cards for $4.00.

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