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Number Kind Price
51 Forest $0.02
2 Anaconda $0.10
2 An-havva Inn $0.25
3 Argothian Pixies $0.10
3 Aurochs $0.10
3 Balduvian Bears $0.10
3 Bayou Dragonfly $0.10
1 Broken Fall $0.10
2 Brown Ouphe $0.10
1 Bull hippo $0.10
1 Canopy Spider $0.10
4 Carapace $0.10
1 Carnivorous Plant $0.10
3 Cat Warroirs $0.10
1 Channel $0.10
1 Chub Toad $0.10
1 Cockatrice $2.00
2 Crash of Rhinos $0.10
2 Craw Giant $1.00
2 Craw Wurm $0.10
1 Crumble $0.10
2 Deadly Insect $0.25
1 Desert Twister $0.10
3 Dire Wolves $0.10
3 Durkwood Boars $0.10
2 Earthlore $0.
1 Eladamris Vineyard $
4 Elven Fortress $0.
2 Elvish Fury $0.
3 Elvish hunter $
1 Elvish Ranger $
1 Elvish Scout $
1 Elvish Spirit Guide $
1 Emerald Charm $
4 Emerald Dragonfly $0.
1 Erhnam Djinn $
4 Essence Filter $0.
1 Fanatical Fever $
1 Femeref Archers $
1 Feral Instinct $
1 Feral Thallid $
4 Fog $0.
3 Folk of An-havva $0.
3 Folk of the Pines $0.
1 Force of Nature $
1 Foxfire $
3 Freyalise’s Charm $0.
2 Fyndhorn Browie $0.
2 Fyndhorn Druid $0.
1 Fyndhorn Elder $
3 Fyndhorn Elves $0.
1 Frog Tongue $
2 Ghazban Ogre $0.
6 Giant Growth $0.
2 Giant Mantis $0.
2 Gibbering Hyenas $0.
2 Gift of the Woods $
1 Gorilla Berserkers $
1 Gorilla Pack $
3 Gorilla Warrior $0.
4 Grizzly Bears $0.
1 hail Storm $
1 heart wood Dryad $
1 hot Springs $
2 hungry Mist $0.
2 hurricane $
1 Instill Energy $
3 Ironroot Treefolk $0.
2 Johtull Wurm $
1 Jolrael's Centaur $
1 Joven's Ferrets $
1 Jungle Wurm $
2 Juniper Order Druid $0.
1 Krakilin $
3 Land Leeches $0.
1 Leaping Lizard $
1 Ley Druid $
1 Lhurgoyf $
3 Lifeforce $0.
2 Lure $
2 Llano war Elves $
1 Maddening Wind $
4 Marsh Viper $0.
2 Metamorphosis $0.
1 Mongrel Pack $
1 Mortal Wound $
2 Mtenda Lion $0.
1 Nafs Asp $
1 Natural Balance $
1 Nature's Lore $
3 Night Soil $
1 Panther Warriors $
1 Pradesh Gypsies $
1 Pygmy Allosaurus $
2 Pyknite $0.
2 Quirion Elves $0.
1 Rabid Wombat $
1 Radjan Spirit $
4 Reality Anchor $0.
1 Reap $
1 Rebirth $
5 Regeneration $0.
1 Renewal $
1 Revelation $
2 Rime Dryad $0.
2 Rootbreaker Wurm $0.
2 Root Spider $0.
1 Rootwalla $
3 Sandstorm $0.
4 Scaled Wurm $0.
2 Scaverger Folk $0.
1 Scragnoth $
3 Scryb Sprites $0.
2 Seedling Charm $0.
1 Serene heart $0.
1 Shambling Strider $
2 Shanodin Dryads $0.
3 Shrink $0.
1 Skyshroud Elf $
1 Shyshroud Ranger $
1 Shyshroud Troll $
1 Spectral Bears $
1 Spike Drone $
3 Spore Cloud $
1 Stalking Tiger $
1 Storm Seeker $
2 Stream of Life $0.
1 Striped Bears $
2 Tarpan $
1 Taste of Paradise $
4 Thallid $0.
1 Thallid Devourer $
2 Thelon’s Chant $0.
1 Tholonite Druid $
2 Thermokarst $1.00
3 Thorn Thallid $
1 Thoughtleech $
1 Tinder Wall $
1 Touch of Vitae $
2 Tranquil Domain $0.
3 Tranquiliy $0.
1 Treetop Defense $
2 Tropical Storm $0.
1 Tsunami $
1 Uktabi Efreet $
1 Uktabi Faerie $
1 Under growth $
2 Untamed Wilds $0.
1 Venom $
1 Venomous Breath $
2 Village Elder $0.
1 Wall of Brambles $
2 Wall of Wood $0.
1 Wall of Roots $
1 Wanderlust $
2 War Mammoth $0.
1 Warthog $
1 Whip Vine $
1 Wiitigo $
2 Wild Elephant $0.
4 Wild Growth $0.
1 Willow Dryad $
5 Willow Faerie $0.
1 Winter Blast $
2 Woolly Mammoths $0.
1 Woolly Spider $
1 Yavimaya Gnats $

I’ll sell all 361 Green cards for $ . !

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