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Number Kind Price
57 Mountain $0.02
2 Active Volcano $0.10
2 Aftershock $0.10
2 Agent of Stromgald $0.10
1 Aggression $0.25
2 Agility $0.10
1 Ali Baba $0.10
5 Aliban’s Tower $0.10
2 Ambush Party $0.10
3 Anaba Bodyguard $0.10
4 Anaba Shaman $0.10
1 Anaba Spirit Crafter $1.50
1 Anarchy $0.75
1 Apocalypse $3.25
3 Armorer Guildmage $0.10
1 Atog $0.25
2 Balduvian Barbarians $0.10
1 Balduvian Cuides $0.10
1 Balduvian War-Makers $0.10
2 Battle Frenzy $0.10
1 Beasts of Bogardan $0.35
1 Bestial Fury $0.10
3 Bird Maiden $0.10
2 Blaze $0.10
1 Blind Fury $0.35
3 Blistering Barrier $0.10
2 Blood Frenzy $0.10
2 Blood Lust $0.10
1 Bone Shaman $0.10
3 Brassclaw Orcs $0.10
1 Brothers of Fire $0.10
4 The Brute $0.10
1 Builder's Bane $0.10
1 Burning Shield Askari $0.10
1 Burrowing $0.10
1 Canyon Wildcat $0.10
1 Cave People $0.10
1 Chandler $0.25
3 Chaos Charm $0.10
1 Conquer $0.35
2 Comsuming Ferocity $0.35
1 Crimson Roc $0.50
3 Crown of Flames $0.10
2 Death Spark $0.50
4 Disintegrate $0.10
1 Dwarven Berserker $0.10
1 Dwarven Lieutenant $0.25
1 Dwarven Nomad $0.10
4 Dwarven Soldier $0.10
3 Dwarven Trader $0.10
1 Dwarven Warriors $0.10
1 Earth Elemental $0.10
1 Enraging Licid $0.60
2 Enslaved Scout $0.10
1 Ekunau Cyclops $0.10
1 Errantry $0.10
2 Eternal Warrior $0.10
1 Evaporate $0.25
5 Fireball $0.10
5 Firebreathing $0.10
1 Fire Drake $0.35
1 Fire Elemental $0.10
2 Fire Imp $0.10
1 Fireslinger $0.10
2 Fissure $0.10
1 Flame Spirit $0.35
4 Flare $0.10
2 Flashfires $0.10
2 Giant Strength $0.10
1 Goblin Bollon Brigade $0.10
1 Goblin Bombardment $1.00
4 Goblin Chirurgeon $0.10
3 Goblin Digging Team $0.10
2 Goblin Elite Infantry $0.10
3 Goblins of the Flarg $0.10
1 Goblin Kites $0.25
1 Goblin Mutant $0.50
3 Goblin Rock Sled $0.10
2 Goblin Sappers $0.10
2 Goblin Shrine $0.10
4 Goblin Ski Patrol $0.10
1 Goblin Tinkerer $0.10
1 Goblin Vandal $0.10
4 Goblin War Drums $0.10
1 Gorilla Shaman $0.25
1 Gorilla War Cry $0.10
2 Gray Ogre $0.10
2 Grizzled Wolverine $0.10
2 Guerrilla Tactics $0.10
2 heart Sliver $0.10
4 hill Giant $0.10
3 hulking Goblin $0.10
1 Immolation $0.10
2 Imposing Visage $0.10
1 Incinerate $0.10
2 Ironclaw Orcs $0.10
1 Joven $0.25
1 Karplusan Giant $0.35
1 Keeper of Kookus $0.10
2 Keldon Warlord $0.50
1 Kindle $0.10
2 Lava Axe $0.10
3 Lava Burst $0.10
1 Lightning Elemental $0.10
1 Lightning Reflexes $0.10
2 Lizard Warrior $0.10
1 Lowland Giant $0.10
1 Melee $0.35
3 Meteor Shower $0.10
1 Mogg Fanatic $0.10
1 Mogg Raider $0.10
3 Mons’s Goblin Raiders $0.10
1 Mountain Goat $0.10
3 Mountain Yeti $0.10
1 Opportunist $0.50
1 Orcish Artillery $0.10
1 Orcish Cannoneers $0.35
3 Orcish Conscripts $0.10
2 Orcish Farmer $0.10
1 Orcish healer $0.35
1 Orcish Librarian $1.50
2 Orcish Lumberjack $0.10
1 Orcish Mine $0.50
1 Orcish Oriflamme $0.10
3 Orcish Spy $0.10
3 Orcish Veteran $0.10
1 Panic $0.10
1 Pillaging horde $?.00
1 Primordial Ooze $0.35
2 Pyric Salamander $0.10
2 Pyroblast $0.10
2 Raging Goblin $0.10
1 Raging Minotaur $0.10
1 Raging Spirit $0.10
1 Rathi Dragon $?.00
1 Red Elemental Blast $0.10
1 Retribution $0.50
1 Roc hatchling $0.50
1 Sabretooth Tiger $0.10
1 Sandstone Warrior $0.10
1 Scorching Spear $1.00
1 Scaring Spear Askari $0.10
4 Shatter $0.10
1 Sisters of the Flame $0.10
1 Soldier of Fortune $0.50
2 Spitting Earth $0.10
1 Stone Giant $0.10
9 Stone Rain $0.10
1 Stonehands $0.10
1 Talruum Champion $0.10
2 Talruum Minotaur $0.10
1 Telum Tor's Edict $1.50
2 Tor Giant $0.10
1 Tremor $0.10
2 Varchild's Crusader $0.10
1 Vertigo $0.35
1 Veteran's Voice $0.10
1 Viashino Warrior $0.10
2 Volcanic hammer $0.10
3 Wall of Diffusion $0.10
3 Wall of Heat $0.10
1 Wall of Lava $0.35
1 Wall of Opposition $0.50
1 Wall of Stone $0.10

I will sell all ??? red cards for only $??.00

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These prises are only a close esimate

Magic Cards Plains
Islands Swamps
Forest Artifacts

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