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Material Processes Mr. Tom Martin

Spring 2001 Phone (608) 874-4414

(608) 994-3724

Office Hours

MTWThF: 8:49-9:34





Materials: Three ring binder, paper,pen or pencil. Construction materials may be purchased from the department or local lumberyard prior to your project or brought in privately from home.

Course Statement: This course of study offers the student an introduction to the creation of woodworking projects. Students will be given the opportunity to develop four projects from a set plan. This means that with each project you will need to supply plans for evaluation. The first project will involve the manual duplication of a pre-determined project (see next page). Course objectives include:

1) acquiring knowledge in application of woodworking tools and techniques

2) applying math to a real life application. So often we sit in math and go "when

will I ever use this?" Well, this is the place. You have the unique opportunity

to use mathematical operations and theories that will strengthen your

knowledge of them. This is also a place to be active: learning through action.

3) learning about teamwork and a hard work ethic. There will be times when tools and space are

simply unavailable. It will become your responsibility to help fellow classmates when they

need a tailman or to glue, etc. To work productively when given ample class time. You will

have little time to waste, focusing on quality craftsmanship is key.

Course Requirements: There will be four projects which will emphasize a development of the student’s skills in woodworking. Also, students will learn about the importance of measurements and the precision which woodworking demands. Progress reports, which evaluate students on their daily and weekly performances will be handed in and will be used in the evaluation.

Grade Summary: 93 - 100 A

85 - 92 B

77 - 84 C

70 - 76 D

Below 70 F

Course Topics:

Project #1 - Project Introduction - Machine Orientation/Safety Demonstration -

Project #2 -

Project #3 -

Project #4 - This may be a time to work on or to finish a prior project. We’ll

also begin cleaning the shop at this time.

Classroom Rules: 1). Respect other people and their property.

2). Follow Directions.

3). No foul language (any word(s) spoken that the instructor

considers foul will be charged 1 dollar per word spoken.

4). Raise your hand when you want to speak.

5). No food or drink in either the computer lab or the shop area.

6). Obey the operating rules of each machine.

7). Bring materials to class

8). The instructor at any time may alter or add any rules as he see

fit. Subsequent punishments for violation of rules may result in

detentions, suspension of shop time and as a result, a failing grade.

You will create a tool box(seen below and in class) using mostly hand tools. You will be given three pieces of wood. The sizes of pine you’ll be given are as follows:

1 piece of 1"x10"x15"

1 piece of 1"x4"x60"

1 piece of 1"x6"x15"


The following pictures are illustrations of the project. You will take the following three pieces of wood and you will construct a box with the following dimensions:

Bottom = 14 3/8" of 1 by 10

2 Sides = 15 15/16" of 1 by 4

2 Insides = 9 3/16" of 1 by 4

2 Seperators = 4 7/16" of 1 by 4 spaced at 4" from either Inside

1 Handle - 14 3/8" with 2 angles starting at 5 inches from the outside and going to

a height of 2 3/4". The handle itself will be 4"(from 5 3/16" to 9 3/16") long and

1" wide and located 1"from the top of the board. This assignment will be due at a

date determined by the instructor.

It will be evaluated on





1) LATE WORK: Work which is received beyond a deadline given by the instructor will receive a ZERO for that assignment(s). This may include a project or any written assignment. There will be no credit given for any work which is handed in beyond the deadline except in circumstances of illness, emergency, etc which will be decided by the instructor.

2) FINALS: All students are expected to show up for a final examination day unless prior approval by the instructor has been given. If no authorization is given, then the student must show up regardless if he/she has finished with the course requirements or not. If they fail to show up, the student will fail the second or fourth quarter and may jepardize their grade for the course.

3) OTHER POLICIES: Any other policies concerning the evaluations of your son and daughter will be settled with the student, instructor, and or principal, district administrator, board of education if needed.
















I, __________________________________ have read this syllabus and fully understand the requirements and policies of this class. If there is a problem, I know the instructor’s number and will call him and talk to him about my son or daughter’s situation.