INTRODUCTION TO TECHNOLOGY, Grades 9-12, 1/2 Credit Introduction to Technology is a one semester course offered as an elective to all students at River Ridge High School. Intro to Tech is a hands-on course where science and math come to life. Students explore and create different projects which promote critical thinking. Alternative evaluations will be used to determine all student learner outcomes.(New Course) TECHNOLOGY I, Grades 9-12, 1/2 Credit [Prerequisite: INTRODUCTION TO TECHNOLOGY or instructor’s permission] Technology I is an extension of the Introduction to Technology course. Students will delve into such topics such as reverse engineering, lasers, and virtual reality. The main objectives include the training of students to think in a logical manner. Our world is rapidly being shaped in terms of technology. Students will recognize the premise of this modern thinking and will create projects and/or solutions which reflect that thinking.
(New Course) TECHNOLOGY II, Grades 9-12, 1/2 Credit [Prerequisite: TECHNOLOGY I] Technology II is a capstone class that prepares students for the acceleration of technology in the 21st Century and beyond. Laser analysis, CNC milling, product creation, and product predictions will be among some of the topics discussed. And as in the prior two Technology courses, students will choose the direction of the course, thus ultimately determining their interests and charting the direction of learning.
MATERIAL PROCESSES, Grades 9-12, 1/2 Credit Material Processes is a one semester course offered as an elective to all first-year students. In this course, a true emphasis on woodworking fundamentals is stressed. Students will begin by building one project that uses a predetermined amount of lumber which stresses strict measurement as well as the exclusive use of hand tools. Other projects will introduce students to power tools where safety will be the main emphasis beside allowing students to gain real world cabinetry experience. ** FEES FOR MATERIALS WILL BE ASSESSED **
CABINET MAKING, Grades 10-12, 1/2 Credit [Prerequisite: Material Processes or instructor’s permission] Cabinet Making is an advanced woodworking course where students will develop skills in fundamental cabinet construction and finish woodworking. The production of furniture, the work of the finish carpenter along with safe practices will make up the thrust of the course. Students will be expected to obtain their own construction materials or may purchase them from the school.
ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN I, Grades 10-12, 1/2 Credit This course offers an introduction to the world of Architecture. Students will learn about orthographic projection in drafting, as well as different geometric constructions and the lines which an architect uses to create residential or commercial drafts. This class will deal mainly with 2D design and projection, even though some 3D drafting will be explored. Students will be given the opportunity to design their own residential plans, explore electrical, HVAC, and plumbing schematics, local and state building codes, as well as ethical dilemmas which arise from drafting. Semester projects include a group generated structure that needs to stay within a predetermined budget for a classmate’s desire “business”. Other projects may include a shopping mall, subdivision, or a building addition.
ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN II, Grades 10-12, 1/2 Credit [Prerequisite: ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN I] This course extensively covers the world of 3D projection. Students will constantly be drafting brackets, gears, residential and commercial structures in the x, y, and z axes. The main objectives will be the creation of projections which are in line with industrial applications. Students will also be able to take their drafts to the CNC Milling machine to see if their ideas satisfy balance, tensile strength, and reliability just to name a few.
CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY, Grades 10-12, 1 Credit This course puts to practical use the tools and techniques of the residential carpenter. The course covers the entire construction process from excavation to finish trim and landscaping. This year long course covers all of the processes in a workshop like atmosphere. Classroom concepts are immediately applied when students complete a residential structure. Upon completion of this course, Seniors have the option of working with local contractors and becoming a carpenter’s apprentice upon the passing of the state apprenticeship test.
CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY II, Grades 10-12, 1 Credit This course covers what Construction Technology I doesn’t. Besides reviewing and covering new material, students will again have the opportunity to construct a residential structure. With two years of experience, students as Seniors still have the opportunity to work with local builders and then if passing the state apprenticeship test, have the opportunity to become a licensed apprentice.
MANUFACTURING, Grades 10-12, 1/2 Credit Students accept the challenge of owning and operating their own enterprise. Manufacturing looks at every phase of the industry that includes research and development, marketing, production, quality control, and finance. Students decide on a product, form a company, research their product, manufacture and sell their product.
POWER, ENERGY, AND TRANSPORTATION, Grades 10-12, 1 Credit Power, Energy, and Transportation is a year long course designed to cover “new” and existing power sources and devices that can produce power to help meet the increasing demand for energy. Energy will be studied in the creation of a high mileage vehicle for the use of challenge at the UW-Stout High Mileage Vehicle Challenge. Through the creation of the vehicle, Two and Four cycle engines, rocket powered and hydraulically operated devices are a few areas that will be explored.
COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY I, Grades 10-12, 1/2 Credit Communication Technology I is a semester course designed to cover in an introductory manner the areas of Audio, Visual, Graphic, Electronic, and Fiber Optic communications. The course presents a wide spectrum of activities which include examining computers, photography, silk screening, AppleWorks 6.0, Pagemaker 6.5, and PhotoShop 6.0. Students will be provided with a broad exposure to methods used in the communications industry.
COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY II, Grades 11-12, 1/2 Credit [Prerequisite: COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY I or instructor’s permission] Communication Technology II covers areas similar to Communication Technology I, but with more emphasis on specific areas such as graphic arts, audio and video production. Such projects include TV shows, Senior videos, and business package designs.
COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY III, Grades 11-12, 1/2 Credit [Prerequisite: COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY II or instructor’s permission] Communication Technology III explores the latest advances in technology, plus rediscovers some old standbys. Advanced digital photography and alteration using Adobe PhotoShop, computer generated movies and cartoons using Avid Cinema or Adobe Premiere, as well as advanced HTML training. The “River Ridge Highlight Show” will also continue in its second season, chronicling the events and faces at River Ridge.
SkillsUSA-VICA (Pending Approval), Grades 10-11, 1/2 Credit [Prerequisite: Candidates for School to Work experience] SkillsUSA-VICA’s Professional Development Program is a self paced program that allows students to become prepared as ready workers for tomorrow’s job market. Students become equipped for the world by learning organizational skills, how to conduct themselves in interviews as well as other job related situations, as well as inquire about the careers they may be interested in.
Technology Education Websites
Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Free Vocational Educational Plans
Camas High School, Washington
CareerPath - Where Employers and Employees Click
A Complete illustrated Guide to the PC
Moto Professor's Guide to Motorcycles and Small Engines
Tech Ed Creative Problem Solving Activities
Wisconsin Technology Education Association
UW-Stout High Mileage Vehicle Contest