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More ways to annoy your roommate

151. Punch a hole in the T.V. Sit and watch it anyway, complaining about the poor picture quality. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 152. Explain to your roommate that you're going to be housing a prospective student in the near future. One day, bring in a pig. If your roommate protests, hug the pig and tell your roommate that he/she hurt its feelings. Watch T.V with the pig, eating lots of bacon. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 153. While your roommate is out, glue your shoes to the ceiling. When your roommate walks in, sit on the floor, hold your head, and moan. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 154. Bowl inside the room. Set up tournaments with other people in the building. Award someone a trophy. If your roommate wants to bowl too, explain that he/she needs bowling shoes. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 155. Tell your roommate, "I've got an important message for you." Then pretend to faint. When you recover, say you can't remember what the message was. Later on, say, "Oh, yeah, I remember!" Pretend to faint again. Keep this up for several weeks. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 156. Pile dirty dishes in your roommate's bed. Insist that you don't know how they got there. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 157. Collect hundreds of pens and pile them on one side of the room. Keep one pencil on the other side of the room. Laugh at the pencil. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 158. Bring in potential "new" roommates from around campus. Give them tours of the room and the building. Have them ask about your roommate in front of him/her, and reply, "Oh, him/her? He/she won't be here much longer." ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 159. Buy some knives. Sharpen them every night. While you're doing so, look at your roommate and mutter, "Soon, soon...." ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 160.Buy a plant. Sleep with it at night. Talk to it. After a few weeks, start to argue with it loudly. Then yell, "I can't live in the same room with you," storm out of the room and slam the door. Get rid of the plant, but keep the pot. Refuse to discuss the plant ever again. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 161. Set up meetings with your roommate's faculty advisor. Inquire about his/her academic potential. Take lots of notes, and then give your roommate a full report. Insist that he/she do the same. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 162. Eat lots of "Lucky Charms." Pick out all the yellow moons and stockpile them in the closet. If your roommate inquires, explain that visitors are coming, but you can't say anything more, or you'll have to face the consequences. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 163. Every time you see your roommate yell, "You son of a..." and kick him/her in the stomach. Then buy him/her some ice cream. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 164. Get some hair. Disperse it around your roommate's head while he/she is asleep. Keep a pair of scissors by your bed. Snicker at your roommate every morning. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 165. Leave apple cores on his/her bed. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 166. Lick him/her while they are asleep. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 167. Collect potatoes. Paint faces on them and give them names. Name one after your roommate. Separate your roommate's potato from the others. Wait a few days, and then bake your roommate's potato and eat it. Explain to your roommate, "He just didn't belong." ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 168. Fill an empty shaving cream can with whipped cream. Use it to shave, and then spray some into your mouth. Later on, complain that you feel sick. Continue this process for several weeks. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 169. Cover your bed with a tent. Live inside it for a week. If your roommate asks, explain that "It's a jungle out there." Get your roommate to bring you food and water. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 170. Break the window with a rock. If your roommate protests, explain that you were hot. Open and close the broken window as you normally would. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 171. Practice needlepoint every night. At one point, grab your thumb and scream, "Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" Cry hysterically for a few minutes, and then go to bed. Sob and sniff all night. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 172. Talk back to your "Rice Krispies." All of a sudden, act offended, throw the bowl on the floor and kick it. Refuse to clean it up, explaining, "No, I want to watch them suffer." ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 173. Unplug everything in the room except for one toaster. Pray to the toaster. Bring it gifts. Throw some of your roommate's possessions out the window. Say that the toaster made you do it. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 174. Challenge your roommate to a duel. If he/she refuses, claim that you have won by forfeit and therefore conquered his/her side of the room. Insist that he/she remove all of his/her possessions immediately. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 175. Videotape yourself hammering a nail into a wall for a while, and then stopping. Play the tape in your room. Right before the hammering stops on the videotape, look at the screen and say, "Don't do that." ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 176. Paint a tunnel on the wall like they do in cartoons. Every day, hit your head as you attempt to crawl through it. Hold your head and grumble, "Stupid road runner...." ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 177. Leave memos on your roommate's bed that say things like, "I know what you did," and "Don't think you can fool me." Sign them in blood. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 178. Talk like a pirate, all the time. Threaten to make your roommate walk the plank if he/she doesn't swab the deck. Arrrrrrrrr! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 179. Go through your roommate's textbooks with a red pen, changing things and making random corrections. If your roommate protests, tell him/her that you just couldn't take it anymore. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 180. Hang a basketball net on the wall. Challenge your refrigerator to basketball games, and play them in front of your roommate. Do so for about a month. Confide in your roommate that you think the refrigerator has been taking steroids. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 181. Drink lots of lemonade. Talk obnoxiously for hours about how much you love lemonade. Then, one day, paint your face yellow. From then on, complain about how much you hate lemonade. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 182. Late at night, start conversations that begin with, "Remember the good old days, when we used to..." and make up stories involving you and your roommate. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 183. Whenever your roommate sneezes, go and hide in the closet for about an hour. Look around nervously for the rest of the day. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 184. Buy some turtles. Paint numbers on their backs. Race them down the hall. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 185. Talk on the phone a lot. Don't pick up the receiver. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
