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Sarah Mclachlan

This is probably My Favorite artist of all time. All her music is written with a meaning, I find it very inspiring, While I was going through some hard times I turned to her music. These lyrics are so true to me. I hope you enjoy them.

These Lyrics are from MirrorBall

Hold on, Hold on to yourself, for this is gonna hurt like hell. Hold on to yourself. You now that only time will tell.

Hey, your glass is empty, Its hell of a long way home, why don't you let me take you, its no good to go alone, I never would have opened up, but you seem so real to me, and after all the bullsh*t I've heard, its refreshing not to see, that I don't have to pretend, she doesn't expect it from me.

I'm so tired, that I can't sleep, standin' on the edge of something much to deep, it's funny how we feels so much but cannot say a word. Though we are screaming inside but can't be heard.

Oh God if your out there won't you hear me, I know we've never talked before