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Gallery of Angel's

"Somewhere Over The Rainbow"

Relax, enjoy the music and dream a bit as this page materializes before your eyes.

c SunSpirt 1997
"Winter Angel"
Cool, crisp, blue-grey winter skies
blanket an Earth covered in silent wonder.
Mebahiah, Angel of Winter,
guards our sleeping Earth
with gentle hands.
Her promise of rebirth is reflected
within the purity of snow covered hills,
frost-tipped trees, and bright stars
scattered through the heavens.
She brings the blessings of children,
morality and spiritual awakenings......
Design by SunSpirit...
written by Moonessence...
All designs are not to be used or reproduced without the permission of SunSpirit Gallery.

I am honored to have received this Award on July 4, 1998 from StarShine
To err is human, To forgive is Divine,
Do not criticise me or judge me....
love me...
for what I am is what I am,
what you are you are.

April 7, 1998 I received this Award.

I received this lovely Award by Marie - 4/1/98

Then I found this Good Luck Charm - 4/1/98

A Gift of Friendship received on 4/1/98

And....2 more Awards from Angelheart all on 4/1/98

Here is a List of My Other Pages!
Surprises Await You !

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