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Outside Kittens

We are the outside kittens who Maryann & Chuck take care of. They are very good caretakers and we are good kittens.

I am Blondie and here I am with my brother Tyson.

Here I am being held by the loving arms of Chuck. I was just a baby then.

I admit it, I was a naughty teenager. I experimented with sex, and now I am to be an unwed mom. Maryann & Chuck said they would take care of this litter but no more and they are going to fix me so I can not procreate any more kitties.

Yep, Tyson is my name and I got that name as I bite, so be careful around me.

Maryann left the door open while she was cleaning so... Blondie and I thought we would sneak in.

HI All! My name is Whinner.
I am the big brother of Blondie & Tyson.

I got my name, Whinner because I like to talk. Maryann calls it whinning, so she dubed me with the name of Whinner. I am a lover. I don't mind being held and petted by Maryann & Chuck.
Boy - I sure am a handome cat!

I let "Blondie" go first for treats. She is smaller than me.