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Bob Quotes

"I dont think we uhhh..really long as it works, then it's fine" -Bob Moffatt (Talking about his toothbrush)

"Clint is the one who is really crazy. You can't imagine what he did one day, he shaved his whole head!" -Bob Moffatt

"I'm not in it for fightin, man!" -Bob Moffatt

"This means...God first, other people second..and yourself THIRD." -Bob Moffatt (When asked about his gold necklace with the fish looking thing on it.)

"Nope! I sign first! Those are the rules! You don't follow the rules you go to jail! heh heh. That's it boys!" -Bob Moffatt

"I look KILLER there!" -Bob Moffatt

"Go Beavis and Butthead!" -Bob Moffatt

"We got Dennis Rodman! Yes! Dennis Rodman!" -Bob Moffatt

"OoH! That's gotta hurt! That's gotta hurt! That's gotta hurt" -Bob Moffatt

"It was a close one, I tell you!" -Bob Moffatt

"When we were growin up, uhh.. when i was growin up, actually our dad used to sit us all in front of the speaker and play us Michael Jackson's music.....and we just fall asleep to that music." -Bob Moffatt

"I think you're weird, man" -Bob to a Radio DJ

"Clint used to annoy me the most with the hockey stick (laugh). He was really rough with the hockey stick" -Bob Moffatt

"You know, when we get into the rehearsel studio, the first thing he jumps on is the drums!" -Bob Moffatt (about Scott)

"The drummer probably gets the best view of the audience" -Bob Moffatt

"Well actually, Scott, Clint and I, we all play the guitar. We are freaks on the guitar. As a matter of fact, I am the BEST guitar player!" -Bob Moffatt

"Dave doesn't have a sport. He likes falling on the ground" -Bob Moffatt

"It's only in other's eyes that we're famous, and we don't see ourselves as stars. Stars come out only at night. -Bob Moffatt

"We all woke up with pretty good attitudes, which doesn't happen pretty often"-Bob

"I think for everybody they're always dreaming about a girl that they put together personally. I don't think there is a girl out there that you can really physically see that's what you put together. So I think that once you meet a girl that you can really spend time with and love I think that's the girl of your dreams."- Bob

"Well dressed and likes drummers. (Scott- "that's more than two words!") smart. Oh yeah, that's more than two words... likes drummers, there we go."-Bob

"Well simply because I'm the coolest."- Bob

"They knew right away that Scott was the sloppy one, so they gave him the sloppy room."-Bob

"Yeah, Romeo, definately."- Bob (after being told he was the Romeo of the group)

"I am more intellectual that you, and I'm younger!" -Bob (followed by a punch from Scott)

"Scott is very creative. Sensitive. It's true, it's all true, he's sensitive, but he likes to have things his way. He's controlling at times. He's the stubborn one at times. He likes to be in control of the situation."-Bob

"Sheila gets me a different type of every month, I don't keep track on it. I use Paul Michell Conditioner."-Bob (on shampoo)

"I would probably like to have Mike Myers, from Wayne's World, I'd like that, yeah, cause he's a great actor adn he acts a lot like me. He's pretty laid back, funny."-Bob ( on who would play him in a movie."-Bob

"The first one we did when we were 9 and 10, we recorded it in Canada, and it's called 'It's a Wonderful World', and we were really young, it was cool to look back and say 'Whoa, that's what we sounded like back then."-Bob

"Out thing is, we know that stars come out at night, so we never picture ourselves as stars. We just love doing music, and hopefully if someone's having a bad day, our music can bring them to having a good day, and that's what we try to do."-Bob

"No, we're not that close."-Bob ( on if the triplets get headaches at the same time)

"I have to say I like a girl who likes drummers."-Bob

"I'm pretty sure we'll always be involved with music, somehow."-Bob

"I think I need a drink of water."-Bob

"We can really cut these things up? No way!"-Bob

"We got Denis Rodman, Denis Rodaman!"-Bob (about the wig he styled)

"I like the Foo Fighters."- Bob

"There was this guy in the movie and i think he stood out because he did so good, he was um, he was this guy who stole a car in the movie, he was slow, but he played the part so well, and I like that. I think he'll get a lot of movies in the future."-Bob (about some actor in "Out Of Site")

"For example, if I come up with a drum lick and Scott doesn't like it, he'll fight to be right."-Bob (on what they fight about)

"It's a family vibe."-Bob (about writing songs)

"We came up with a lot of the script, actually the part with the stage revolving and there's people in the background, that's the part we came up with, so that's cool."-Bob (about "If Life Is So Short" video)

"Dave snores, like really loud. In harmony? Not quite, it's so outta key it's unbelievable. Sometimes we have to put a pillow over his head."- Bob

"You need to take time out of your life to dream."-Bob

"Scott is a control freak."-Bob

"You golf, it's warm out, you drive your golf cart, it's relaxing. I think it's a great way to spend a day of vacation."-Bob

"Scott's a psycho on the skiis."-Bob

"Us three are definatly more mature on the skiis that he (Scott) is."-Bob

"I don't think I have anything else I'd rather do."-Bob
