~Thanks to "Crystal's Unofficial Moffatt's Page" for some of these quotes~
"In Europe we can't go out because the fans reconignize us, but in North America is not the same because the radio station don't support us." -Clint Moffatt
"I can't believe you did that" -Clint Moffatt -
"OHH I shot my leg!" -Clint Moffatt -
"We really don't classify Bob as the drummer!" -Clint Moffatt-
"Wait a minute! He's the bad guy! He's the bad guy I'm tellin you!" -Clint Moffatt -
"Pamela Anderson? I mean...we haven't seen Baywatch in past 3 years...So I mean, we still like Pamela Anderson..She's cool." -Clint Moffatt -
"But we know how to run now!" -Clint Moffatt (talking about fans)
"But it's not like we haven't dated before, you know (laughs)" -Clint Moffatt
"Do you mind? I'm being interviewed!" -Clint Moffatt (to Scott when he was videotaping the right side of Clint's face
"In Las Vegas, we waved to the crowd, then walked to the back where there's a riser to the drum set. All three of us (Clint, Bob& Dave) stepped up, missed the riser and fell down. It was like a domino effect. Another time there was a doll cought on my bass and burst the strings!" -Clint Moffatt
"The name comes from the fact that our music style has changed. The "Chapter One" part of the title refers to that there are many more chapters to come - it is going to go on forever and ever!" - Clint
"It doesn't matter what she looks like, she'll always be pretty to me" - Clint
"I guess we were just tired of covering for him"- Clint (off talk soup - about John - fun act.)
"That's a good idea!" - Clint
"Do you mind? I'm being interviewed!" - Clint (to Scott when he was videotaping Clint's face)
"In Las Vegas, we waved to the crowd, then walked to the back where there's a riser to the drum set. All three of us (Clint, Bob& Dave) stepped up, missed the riser and fell down. It was like a domino effect. Another time there was a doll cought on my bass and burst the strings!" - Clint
"Well dressed, sensitive, well dressed."-Clint (about the girl of his dreams)
"No, not at all. I think we all are individually."-Clint (after being asked if he was the poster boy of the group)
"It's really cool to see any banner with your name on it, because it's a good feeling to know someone cares about you specifically."-Clint
"Yeah, I'm Beavis and he's Butthead."-Clint
"Well love means alot of things. It can mean when you feel some incredible feeling for a girl, and if you love playing music, it an mean so many different things. If you love your dog, if you love food..."-Clint
"I don't know exactly what this kind of love means, you'll have to ask Scott."-Clint
"I love playing bass, it's my favorite thing to do, singing is my favorite thing to do and preforming live with my bass is probably right up there with it, I love it."- Clint
"That's a really special thing for us, we really enjoy seeing that."-Clint (about fans singing with them at concerts)
"Dave is very talkative when you're one on one. He's very intelligent. He's the youngest. He's very artistic. He's the younest.. ya know. (laughs)"-Clint
"I don't know what I use."-Clint (on shampoo)
"When we were growing up in school, first through third grade, in recess, us, the three of us, myself, Scott and Bob, would be in the field playing sports with other kids, and Dave would be off in the corner with a girl. That's Dave's personality, he was a loner, it's not a bad thing."-Clint
"(In a British accent) Sean Connery. No, just kidding. I like Jim Carey, Jim Carey.. he's my favorite actor of all time."-Clint (on who would play him in a movie)
"I'm gonna be the nice guy today and say I like Phillipeano girls."-Clint
"Our dad thought that was enough."-Clint (about having four boys)
"Our dad always thought we could be hair dressers, so our dad should be proud."-Clint (when styling a wig)
"I need a piece of Straw!"-Clint and Bob
"Ow, I shot my leg!"-Clint
"What happened was, we were in Nashville, Tennessee and we had just come home from our managments office, and Scott had always wanted to streak the front of his hair blond, and so why he was doing that, Sheila was dying his hair, my dad asked me, 'Do you wanna cut your hair off?' It was already short. Our dad asked me if I wanted to cut it all off and I said sure, why not? And so he did that and he left the front part on cause I asked for it, and we ended up dying it blond too, and we just stuck with it."-Clint
"I gotta learn all the VJ stuff before I start doing this."-Clint (while reading a letter on MTV)
"I'm the oldest of the triplets... by 2 minutes."-Clint
"I think out of all the songs, it really portrais the Moffatts, and we really enjoy playing it. It's a lot more mature sounding I think and it's more credible. I think that other artists, older artsts, could easily record this song. I think it has a good message."-Clint (about "If Life Is So Short")
"If we go on a date, I hope we're romantic."-Clint
"I think the Hanson's a great band, they're appreciated around the world with their music. I think there's a difference between us and Hanson, and that is our music.OUrs is more rock than their's and their's is more pop than ours."-Clint
"There's nothing wrong about The Beatles, they created so many different types of msic, and that's where it all got started."-Clint
"What we heard was, when we were in the US we had a fan club and one week, apparently we were getting all these letters saying they (Hanson) were on a talk show, David Letterman or Jay Leno, and they said that one of their influences for music was The Moffatts, so like, you can never really believe this type of stuff, so what we did was, when they were over in Germany, doing a show, we were over there at the same time and one of our drivers was gonna drive Hanson to some big show. So we wrote them a letter, and I guess they were really excited about it, so that's cool."-Clint
"Bob's daydreamy."-Clint
"How's my hair look? Alright."-Clint