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Here are some of our happy kittens in their new homes.
Click on their pictures to view their own page with cute and adorable photos.


Mia is doing great!! She has become a full member of our family and getting along with all of my furkids. I can not say enough how much she means to my family and I...thank you for letting us adopt her!
~Debbie in Ohio~


Lincoln and Vegas are getting along fine, they are so cute they sleep next to each other and rest their heads on each other. They are eating well and Lincoln is getting big. I have to tell you that they both have made me so happy. I love them so much.
~Kat D. in IL~


As I am typing up this E-mail, Bea has decided to hop on my lap and keeps me company. Bea is such a treasure to all the members of my family. Wherever we go she follows us.
~Masamichi in IL~


Thanks again for all your help, we can tell that he came from a great home, and are extremely happy that he has fit in so well in our little family. We will definitely send you some more pictures as he grows, and please don't hesitate to call or e-mail us if you want to in the future.
~Tim and Terri in Texas~


He is doing great. His name is "Jamling" it is a Sherpa name from Nepal. He went camping the weekend of the 17th! He acts like he was born here! No fear of anything.
~Kathie S. in Colorado~

~Remington Seal~

Remington loves to play fetch. He'll fetch until his little tongue is hanging out from exhaustion. He also loves to play with "Da Bird" and anything that moves, like feet in bed in the morning. He sleeps under the covers in my arms at night. He also positively goes nuts for cheese ravioli. (Of course, he gets high-quality kitten food, but every now and then as a special treat, he gets a taste of ravioli.)
~Paula W. in Virginia~


Nice to hear the whole litter turned out so well. We love Seth. Definately something you should try again! He is ball fetching crazy -- he will play for 45 minutes easily -- fetching the ball and jumping into my lap to deposit it for the next throw. If he cannot find the ball -- he will search for it like a dog, I have never seen anything quite like him! He has also taken to running up my gown tail onto my shoulder. This is pretty cute, but could become a problem if I have something nice on. lol
~Teresa B. in Illinois~


Shelley - time is flying by and Winston is a real delight!! He is the best kitten in the world. He is loving, alert, smart, and still so busy he makes me tired. He lights up every day for us.
~Roseanne M. in Michigan~


Asha is doing great. Her and Zoe get along good. They play together a lot. She is growing so fast.
~Jennifer B. in Wisconsin~