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Michelle Kwan - Grace On Ice

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This website was last updated on January 10,1999,2:00 P.M. CT.

Welcome to Michelle Kwan- Grace On Ice!!! This page is dedicated to 1998 Olympic Silver Medalist and world champion, Michelle Kwan. I have been Michelle's fan since I saw her win the silver medal at the Olympics. She is the only skater in this time period, who has a perfect marriage of athleticism and artistry.

Special Thanks to Heather Winfield and other web masters who have helped me build this site.

Please visit Heather's Michelle Kwan page

Michelle's Motto: "Work Hard, Be Yourself, Have Fun."
Other interesting things that Michelle said over the past few years.

"The one who wins all the time is great, is powerful. But the one who has been trampled on and fallen and is injured and is able to get back up and stand up and fight - that's who I admire the most." - Michelle Kwan

"I didn't lose the gold, I won the silver." - Michelle Kwan on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

"C'est la Vie! It's Life!" - Michelle Kwan. (during an interview on CBS after she won the Olympic Silver Medal).

"Sports has given me a lot of excitement....It teaches you a lesson about life: How it's not always perfect, but it's not the way you fall — it's how you get up and how you deal with it." - Michelle Kwan.

"I want to be a legend." - Michelle Kwan.

"It's pretty unbelievable for me to be a teen and a veteran of figure skating, but I come to think about it, geez... I have been to five world championships and this will be my sixth one. It's pretty know, over the years, I don't look at the competitors any more, you know.. I just focus on my own skating and.. you know.. why worry..why waste your time..why waste your energy focusing on other people while it has nothing to do with you. So, when I am at the rink, it's just me on the ice." - Michelle Kwan during an interview at the 1998 Keri Lotion Figure Skating Classic.

Salt Lake City Counter days until the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics!!

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