Mood: not sure
WELL, i've been ignoring this place, as with most other things in life. the good news is that i've been on a creative binge for awhile, and more active than for a long time.
we had almost no snow this winter until early march, when we got 20". after the snow, i noticed little branchlets falling off the beautiful white pine tree at the corner of my house. i figured it was just wind and didn't think much of it.
well, they kept dropping and one day i discovered why. i have a porcupine that has taken up residence in this tree, in spite of me and my dog being pretty close by. i got worried that s/he might damage the tree so did some web research and found no answers or recommendations. today i got in touch with the DNR and found out that they usually don't stay in one tree very long, so there isn't much liklihood of tree damage. Lucky, my dog, seems to remember his run in a few years ago with a porkie. he got over 150 quills in one side of his face, and cost me over $250, so he SHOULD remember it! i just hope the new city cats have the smarts to stay away from an animal that large.
yesterday and today it was in the mid 70s, which shattered the previous high temp record by 21 degrees. this isn't just a little bit of warmth, folks. it was VERY strange to be out walking around on snow, seeing frozen lakes, and yet sweating in my shirt sleeves. i just hope the summer isn't horridly hot... my electrical bill can't handle it, nor can i.
i'm going to add some photos in my album here, showing the snow and some of the things i've been making.