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Rachel's Ramblings

January 17, 2000

WOW!! How time flies!! Sorry for the EXTREME lack of updates on this site. I 
have been really busy and haven't gotten around to updating for quite some 
time, as you can tell. 
Well DX is back together, and I really wouldn't care if RD left. I HATE how 
he gets lost in the DX shuffle. I feel bad for the poor guy. He should try 
for the IC belt again or get the Hardcore belt back and make it mean 
something. I mean why has the Bossman had the belt and done NOTHING with it 
since he got it. Give it to Jesse. He gave the belt class.
The Royal Rumble is fast approaching. I don't think RD is in it, which sucks.
Who am I gonna pull for? (Probably the Hardys)I want Jesse & Billy to keep 
the belts but I think they're gonna lose them. 
Well until next time, (And I hope it won't be as long) Keep on Luvin the 
D-O-Double G!!
October 1, 1999

Well Road Dogg has returned after a 5 five hiatus. I was so glad to see him 
back on Smack Down Last week. And to see him back with Billy was great! They 
seemed very happy to be working together again. I'm glad they are, and that 
they are once again the TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD!!!! 

In the new Edition of WOW magazine there is a pretty cool article on Road 
Dogg with lots of cool pics. I'd run out and buy a copy of it. It's worth it.

From now on I'll try to keep the page updated at least weekly!! Schools back 
in session so that's why I haven't been updating. Thanx for staying Loyal. 
~*~Keep On Luvin Dogg~*~

Summer Slam  1999

Over all SS was pretty good. I was disappointed about a few things though. 
One: Road Dogg didn't have a shot at th HC belt. Cuz Bossman knew he'd kick 
his ass and didn't want to do the J-O-B for the D-O-Double G!! 
Two: Triple H didn't win the Title. WTF?? I mean they hype up for a month 
before the PPV, by putting HHH on everything!! Plastering his face all over
(MTV, Raw, etc..) and have him lose?? NO!!! That's not right. I mean they did 
the whole Chyna beat me I beat Chyna, Chyna lost to Mick...that whole deal 
and he still doesn't win. I hope he gets the belt soon. Hopefully on Raw.
Don't get me wrong I love Mick but he's been champ. GET SOMEONE NEW AS CHAMP!
I'm just glad that it's not Austin anymore. I really DON'T like him anymore.

Now back to the good stuff. Dogg looked awesome!! WOW!!! It was great to see 
him there and in shorts no less!! That's a switch. He's so funny. His 
comments to CJ were great!! They could have an AWESOME fued!!  I hope so. 
Dogg's commentating was great too! He should do it more often.


I had the BEST time at the tapings that i attended last night. Our seats 
were to the left of the Titantron. We had a pretty good view. We were 
fairly close. I'll have new pictures up soon. I hope we got some nice ones.
We should I used 7 rolls of film. My mom will die when she finds out I used 
all the film she had here for me to use. But it was all worth it.

HBK WAS THERE!!!!!!!!! Need I say more. If you've known me for awhile, you 
know that HBK was my favorite, still is I suppose--if he were around TV more 
often, but it was good to see him again. I hadn't seen him live since May of 
1997. He was looking VERY nice too!!! I hate to spoil Monday's Raw but I 
have to tell you what happened. When i heard the first note of HBK's music 
I was on my feet screaming!!!! He walked out and I was in awe!!! WOW!!!

Plus besides him being there, Chris Jericho was there :-) and he was wearing 
black leather pants and that shiny shirt. WOW!! He looked good!! I LOVE CJ!!
I don't know why other people don't. I'm really glad he's in the WWF. He 
fits in great!!

And of course there was Road Dogg who always looks good. HE had a match 
against Al Snow. He won too :-) As he was walking up the ramp I was holding
a sign for him and he looked up and smiled. He also bent down and shook Big 
Jim's (who if you don't know is the REALLY buff security guard) and said 
something to him and cracked up laughing. It was so cute!! I wish he had 
come out more than once, but it was GREAT to see him :-) 

When Triple H was leaving the last time we were screaming for him cuz he's 
my friend Beck's favorite. He looked up at us. It was cool. We were yelling 
and cheering as Foley left too. Same with JR and Lawler. Lawler looked up at 
us and I waved, he waved Back. That was awesome!! I LOVVE LAWLER!!!!

We also saw The Hardy Boyz. Jeff Hardy is very good looking. Others we saw 
Edge, Christian, Shane, Gangrel, Val Venis, Godfather, Taker, Big Show, Bob 
Holly, Kane, X-pac, Meat, Terri Runnels, Jeff Jarrett, D-lo, Debra, Chyna, 
Triple H, Mick Foley, Rock, Billy Gunn, Kurt Angle, Droz, Prince Albert, 
Steve Austin, JR, Lawler, Bossman, Ken Shamrock, Steve Blackman, Test, 
Mideon, The Acolytes, and some Jobbers. 

It was a really good show. I saw three of my favorite wrestlers. The best 
was by far HBK!!! I can't wait to get the pictures back. The Dogg ones with 
be on this site and the rest will be on Oh You Didn't Know

I can't wait until August 10th. I'll be at the Raw Tapings that are to air 
on Monday August 16th. I can't wait. We should be sitting next to the 
Titantron if I remember the arena correctly. I'll be the crazy girl with
the Road Dogg signs. Just so you know I'll have one that says "Road Dogg 
Rulz" and one that says "beware of the Dogg" We also have ones that say
"I passed the TEST with Flying Colors" "Forget The Puppies...I want a Real
Dogg" "Hunter is Hot" "I'm Over The EDGE" and "I'm not a Jabroni" Look for 
us!!! I fill ya in on how it went later. Until then...
Keep on Lovin' Road Dogg
