I started watching wrestling back in 1995. Back then Road Dogg was Jeff Jarrett's Roadie. He had long dreads that he constantly flicked over his head. To be quite honest, it was annoying. I used to tell my brother how annoying that was. Well he disappeared shortly after I began watching wrestling. In 1996 he came back. I remember it was in October. They showed a clip of Jesse singing "With My Baby Tonight" on Raw. Later on during the show they had a special interview with the man behind Jeff Jarrett's "hit" song. The now dreadless, Jesse had a very cute southern accent and a killer smile, not to mention gorgous eyes. For some reason I was drawn in and I knew I'd be a fan of his for a long time. I used to get really excited when Jesse would be on Raw, cuz it was far and few between. But when he came out he always impressed me. For what reason I don't really know. He's not the worlds greatest wrestler, but there was something about him that had my eyes glued to the TV. I attended several live events where the "real" Double J was at. Slowly he was becoming my favorite. Then he joined forces with Rock-a-Billy and we all laughed. Just what the WWF needed two jobbers forming a tag team. But they had a certain chemistry. The two slowly became a crowd favorite. And Road Dogg slowly became my favorite wrestler. Shawn Michaels was my favorite wrestler for a long time, but when he left after Wrestle Mania XIV there was a void there. Jesse "The COuntry singer" was the obvious choice. Now there are many reasons why I still like Jesse. He's cute, funny, talented (in his own way) and a wondeful person. I had the chance to meet him and he was so sweet to me. It was unbelievable. He really cares about his fans and he appreciates them which makes me like him even more.
Email: roaddoggrules@hotmail.com