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Your Dogg Memories

From: Road Doggs Laydee©

I Went to the WWF attitude adjustment tour in the UK and i was waiting out 
of the back of the arena with my friends and they were both were screaming 
for Edge. He popped his head out of the window and started smiling then 
another head popped out of the window, it was Road dogg i started screaming 
and him and Edge both started sticking their thumbs up and pointing at us 
three crazed girls. Then they went and we saw movement in the lobby Edge and 
Road Dogg had come to the back entrance and were waving and playfully 
sticking their tongues out at us, they went back after about 5 minutes as 
the show was about to start. That night it was the Outlaws vs. Goldust and 
Meanie and Road Dogg was waving at us.
The next morning was Easter Sunday and me and my friend Clare aka Edges 
laydee © decided that we had to meet our favourite guys. So, at 6.30am we 
were on our way to the hotel they were staying in in a taxi. We got there 
and were relieved to discover that it was the right hotel. We sat outside 
and saw a lot of the wrestlers, we got to talk to them get photos with them 
and autographs. So, whilst my friend was having like a full blown 
conversation with Edge i searched for Road Dogg. Edge remembered us from the 
arena and said that Road Dogg had loved our banners. Finally, the man 
emerged i stood and stared as my friend stood and laughed at me for being so 
starstruck. I walked over and asked for an autograph, he obliged and took a 
look at my face. He shouted to Edge 'Hey Adam its our girls', i went red and 
he laughed. I had my photo took with him and then Billy Gunn walked past me, 
the other fans chased him but i stood by the doggs side i think he was a 
litle surprised that i didnt want to see Billy. I then started playing with 
his braids and he laughed saying that he was going to arrest me for sexual 
harrassment and i said that would be okay, he laughed again saying that it 
was not okay and that prison was not a good place to be. I finally agreed as 
he went to get his suitcase from his room. Then last month at Manchester 
,Engalnd the wwf superstars were over for a UK PPV. We booked into the same 
hotel as the wrestlers and had a great time meeting and talking to them all, 
unfortunately Road Dogg wasn't there but i just got my fifth row tickets for 
the next wwf uk ppv 'No Rebellion' where i hope to see the Dogg again when 
we book into the same hotel as the wrestlers again.

From: Rachel 

My best friend Becky & I went to a house show in Green Bay, WI last October. We had third 
row ringside seats. It was AWESOME!! I always have a sign for the DOGG with me. I had a 
sign that said "Road Dog Rules" As soon as the NAO's music started playing I was standing
at the railing. Jesse came out and climbed in the ring and did his normal routine, then he
climbed out of the ring and came over by us and shook my hand. Then he grabbed my sign from
me and held it up. The whole arena started cheering. I couldn't believe he was holding MY
sign. He turned around gave it back to me, and gave me a hug. WOW! I was so in awe. I just 
stood there. After the match him & Billy both came back over by me and each gave me another
hug. Two hugs from Jesse in one day. It was awesome!!
From: Tammy

We ( my little sister, Erin, 11, my nephew Lee, 5, and me Tammy, 14,) went to see 
Jesse at the Nation Wide Kia in Lutherville, MD on May 15,1999, 5 days before his birthday.

We had gifts that were:
1. A picture of him and Billy Gunn as Southpark characters (since he loves
2. A note from each me and Erin. Hers had a Ring Pop taped on it. I had a
Lollipop taped on mine.
3. A scrapbook about him with pictures, captions and a list of everyone we knew
who liked him.

I also printed out a picture of Jesse and gave it to my nephew, since he had a
picture of rocks (?) for Jesse to sign. It turned out that Jesse was giving out
the EXACT SAME picture of himself away. At first, Jesse smiled and looked from
Lee's pic to his own. It was funny. The pic were free so we took them for Jesse.

We got a couple of pics of him and one in front of him. He didn't look because
he had to keep the line moving.
Here is what was said:
(We tried to go toward the desk, but Lee moved us back. He was scared)
Tammy: Road Dogg, he is scared of you!
(Jesse didn't hear me)
Erin: Road Dogg he is afraid of you!
Jesse (looking at Lee and slightly smiling): What's your name, honey?
Lee (whispering): Lee.
Erin: I think I'm going to faint!
(Jesse smiled and chuckled at that. He had to sign a little boy's autograph who
was in front of us because he had forgotten. After that we moved in front of his
desk. Jesse leaned over the desk, looked at Lee, and smiled)
Jesse (to Lee): I'm sorry I kept you waiting. What's your name, sweetie?
Lee (still whispering): Lee. L-E-E.
Jesse (looking at Erin): What's his name?
Erin: Lee. L-E-E.
(He signs the picture and I give him his gifts)
Tammy: These are for you.
Jesse (His face lit up! He had a huge smile on his face!): Thank you!
One of the guards with him: Wow! You guys are nice!
Jesse: Yes they are! I really appreciate that! Thank you! What's your name?
Tammy: Tammy
(He signs my picture)
Jesse: What's your name?
Erin: Erin.
(He signs her picture)
Tammy: Thank you.

He was so nice! And the fact that he called my nephew "honey" and "sweetie" made
it better and saying that we were all nice made it better. He was wearing:
1. An Adias shirt. White with black stripes going up the sleeves. It was more
like the one X-Pac was wearing when he "Whizzed" in Jeff Jarrett's boots, only
the colors were reversed.
2. Sunglasses.
3. A dark blue bandana, with his dreadlocks hanging out.
4. Black pants, I think. He was sitting down.

If You have a story that you would like to share about a live event
or meeting the DOGG. Please Email me your story and
I will be glad to put it up and give you credit for it. Also if you have any 
pictures you would like to share let me know. Thanx
