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August, 1999
RSDHope Teen Corner

The topic for August, 1999 is: "Has RSD had any positive effects on your life, and if so, what are they?"

Liz J:
Well even though I haven't been completely diagnosed. I think it has made me enjoy simple things. Everyday things that we take for granted like walking, having a 'normal' life. Family and friends. I know it sounds kind of stupid, but it has made me realize how short life is and that we should make as much of an effect on our society as possible. Sure there are downsides and then once you have hit rock bottom you have no other place to go, but up. Thats how I think RSD has made a positive affect in my life. It made me remember what's important in life.

When someone asked me how RSDS, has effected my life, I also list the bad points and of course everyone knows there are many. But, if I really think about it, I suppose there are a few ( not many though ) positive effects.

One personal reason, is that ever since I was young, I've wanted to be a physiotheraphist. By having RSDS, I have been able to see what really goes on and even got a job as a helper.

Another thing, is my outlook on life. Now I live for today and stuff tomorrow!! It's taught me to look after myself and not to just asume that my body will always be mine. An illness can take over you at any time. I've also learnt to sand up for myself. Where before I would be really quiet, I now fight for my rights a lot better.

I am much more aware of other disabled people now. Where before I would see a 'disabled person', now I only see a person. I seem to care more as well. I have more time to listen to people, as before I was always rusing of doing something else. It's made be a lot stronger (in my personailty). Instead of doing what everyone else is doing, I have to do my own thing as I can no longer do them. I have my own image now and it's better then everyone's else!! lol

As I haven't slept for the last year, I've taken up a lot more reading and it's actually making me brainier!! I've also had time to think about myself (for a change!! lol) and realize who I really am and what I want to do with my life. I've also, made new friends, through both support groups and the internet, as well as generally meeting people in the hospital.

As far as that, I think that's about all I found positive out of RSDS!! I'm looking forwards to reading everyone elses in hope that there are many more things that I'm not thinking of!!

Okay, One positive effect RSD has had on my life is that I learned to not take anything for granted!!! Also, since getting RSD, I now listen to and take care of my body much better!! I am weight lifting to cut down on injuries, running so I am in better shape, and I have a much higher appreciation for being able to play Basketball... I didn't let RSD beat me, I continue to beat it by playing my heart out every game...
Thank you,

RSD has had more positive effects on my life than negative ones. I am most greatful for the strength it has given me. It has made me capable of handling a pain level that I never thought I would be able to handle. I have a lot more determination now. I push myself harder than I ever have, because I have realized that I was never pushing myself to my limit. It has given me the chance to get to know myself better. I have a better understanding of what my strengths and weaknesses are. I feel more confident now about facing my fears due to the fact that I know I have the strength to overcome them. It has given me the chance to meet a lot of new friends and a lot of interesting people. I believe that everything in life is an experience and although a lot of experiences are bad you can always find the positive side of everything. We experience things for a reason and even if I had to go through the experience of getting/having RSD just to be there for someone else it is all worth it for me. I have a deeper understanding for others with RSD (and other diseases). Being able to understand what someone is going through and the knowledge that that understanding brings me is something I will always be greatful for. This disease to an extent changed who I was, what I will become, and has made me a better person. It allowed me the chance to figure out what I want out of life and the path I want to take to reach that goal. Some people spend their whole life trying to figure out what they want and I may have ended up one of those people if I hadn't gotten RSD.

RSD has a positive effect on us... whether we realize it or not... RSD has taught me to be grateful for what I still and did have. I have good friends, a house, and no killing disease. Even though it may seem you have the worst disease and stuff... there is always someone worse off then you. ALWAYS. So remember that.
LOL- Steff

Jen Br---:
Has RSD Had A Positive Side?
Well I think that RSD has changed my life in a very big way for good and for bad. Well obviously it has changed my life to be a lot less than what it used to be, I really miss my sports, and my active life with my friends, but it has also changed my life for a differnet way, I won't say that it's a good way. The difference is that I've met some very nice amazing people. Also I want to become a doctor, and with this it has really widdened my view of the medical system, some of the most rude doctors that I just can't believe. I don't believe how some of the doctors can act like that, and now I want to change that from my generation of doctors, now that I know what it feels like to be treated like that by some of the doctors as a patient, if I'm able to become a doctor I'll know more what the patients want and what kind of treatment the patient would like, and what kind of doctor I should be like. I would have to say that the bad side of RSD could be ten times longer than the positive side, but the positive will really shape my life.

The positive effect that RSD has had on me is that I'm not as shy as I used to be - probably because of the talks about RSD I did in class - or with my friends - to explain what it's like to have RSD, and ...I am more sensitive to other kids who have any illness. In other sicknesses or illnesses you see the handicap - in RSD it is not so visible. So I am very conscious of what those kids must be going through and am more understanding of what it must be like for them, to try to deal with what they have on a daily basis.

Well my positive effcts about RSD is that I was placed into a wheelchair for long distances and other things and I was upset because I couldn't do the sports that ( wanted to do and I felt that everyone would have to do things for me. But today it's different. I am able to do many things for myself. Not all, I will admit that, but enough that it makes me feel independant but anyway LOL. I decided not to sit around and cry about everything so I went to my local rehab ceneter and they told me there is a tennis team that they have and I can try it out and see how ( like it and if I do, they would love to have me on it, and so I did and now I'm loving it every day I go to. Many people like tennis pors by my house that help me with my game and I play also with my rehab center's team and I go on tournaments every year and they are a lot of fun and I meet a lot of great people that are so nice to me. Heck, I'm the youngest to play around here they all call me their little sister LOL. But I think of this every day I hate the RSD and I wish it could go away but I think of this too, that if I didn't have it I wouldn't meet a lot of nice people such as you guys :o)


Well, RSD has effected my life in many ways, most of them negative. There have been many positive effects though, which all add up to make living with this disease bearable.

First of all, if I hadn't gotten RSD, I would never have met many of the friends whom I love right now. I wouldn't have Teen Corner, which I enjoy very much. I never would have become friendly with my best friend, Liz, because we would have just met in passing...or maybe not at all! The people who I have met through RSD support groups amaze me. They inspire me, and they have changed my outlook on life.

RSD has taught me to stand up for myself. Learning to be assertive is an important lesson, which will help me in many ways in the future. I had to stand up for myself against ignorant, mean, and egotistical doctors, or I would never have gotten the treatment I needed. I strongly believe that without treatment, I would not be able to walk right now.

I've learned not to take simple things for granted. Walking, for instance, is something that I never really thought about before. Now, it's a struggle to take each step. I don't take it for granted anymore...that's for sure! My biggest fear is that I won't be able to walk, and the thought of a wheelchair keeps me pushing myself to do whatever I can to walk.

I've learned to write with my non dominant hand! So basically, I'm ambidexterous!!! It's really cool to be able to write with both hands...I had to learn because my right hand was totally useless for a while. Now I have about 65% of the use of that hand/arm back, so I can write with both hands!

I know that there are other positive effects that RSD has had on my life, but those are the ones that I thought of off the top of my head!



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