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Teen Corner chat room
RSDHope Teen Corner

Chat room

Our chat room

Ok, there is a weekly Teen Corner chat every Sunday night. This page just gives directions to the chat room. If you want to know the times, you're just gonna have to join!! No really, I send out a reminder every week to all of the members by e-mail.

Our Talk City chat room is open 24 hours a day. I decided to make a Talk City room because it doesn't require a java-enhanced browser, so members with older or different kinds of browsers can use it!

If you're not already registered, go to Talk City's registration thingie. You'll have to choose a nickname and a password. If you have trouble getting a nickname, pick a different one or add numbers or initials to it. It asks for a lot of information, like your address and stuff. If you don't feel comfortable with that, just fill in a fake one or something!

Now that you have a nickname and password, go to the chat room and type in your nickname and password. There is a gray button that says "Enter rsdhopeteens." Scroll past that, and there are choices for chat method.

If your web browser supports java script (newer versions of Netscape and Internet Explorer), choose the chat method called EZ Talk Lite. Then click on the gray button that says "Enter rsdhopeteens." The chat room takes a while to load, so be patients!

If your browser DOESN'T support java, choose the chat method called EZ Talk Web. Then click on the gray button that says "Enter rsdhopeteens." This chat room loads faster.

Now go chat!


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