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Meribeth's page
RSDHope Teen Corner

Hi! My name is Meribeth. I have Rsd now for about 3 years. I first sprained my ankle in the eighth grade and never thought anything about it why should I have? Well 10 months later I was diagnosed with this monster. I am not use to this but I have learned to deal with it, I know now when to keep going and when I need to stop. This hasn't made me over come my fears or anything but face them head on, well except for the needles. You all know how that goes, there so BIG!! I am a junior in High school, I was a varsity Cheerleader but gave that up due to this! I don't do sports any more, they just sort of don't fit in. I go to PT everyday of the week and once every two weeks I have lsb's done, those are my favorit, yeah right! There are a lot of times with this that it seems impossible to live with, but me I keep going probably cause I can't let this beat me or at least not let it win with out a fight right? I am one of the lucky ones, I don't have it so bad, like in more then one spot, my legs are enough. If you want my e-mail please ask betsy because I can't put in on the page! MERIBETH


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