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German American Friendship Picnic Grove

This is the achievement of the German Club of Santa Barbara.
In April of 1987 a group of members led by then president Henry Penner, approached Mayor Sheila Lodge and Jerry Ambrose city parks director, about obtaining land on which to build a monument expressing their gratitude to America.
Here is the result of that effort by those German Immigrants.

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Go to Main Page There was nothing in the beginning, only wilderness and a lot determination to succeed.
After a lot of meetings and help from our friend Sam Salerio (A member of the Parks Commission), we finally were able to start the first phase of the Grove. Our good friend and president Henry Penner started to organize a detail of volunteers, to numerous to mention.
A plan was made and submitted to the Parks Department for approval. After it was approved, the work could finally begin.

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President Henry Penner - Chairman of the project Heinz Trilk - and Secretary Irmgard Rauchhaus

We were on our way. After getting more then $6,000.00 in donations from our Club Members, as well as supplies from local builders, German Club volunteers and friends went to work cleaning, weeding and building our Picnic Grove.

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The first shovel of dirt was turned by the Mayor and our President, followed by Erwin Nobbe, Barbara Stern, Irmgard Rauchhaus and the rest of who ever felt the neet to do so. Vera Bohle recited one of her poems.

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Left: President Henry is building the main entrance to the new grove. Right: a time capsule is built in one of the posts, to be opened in 100 years. Center: The entrance to the parking lot

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Email: for Irmgard or Bill Rauchhaus