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A Santa Barbara Tour
This Web-Site features a tour of our City.
We hope you'll enjoy the pictures, as much as we enjoy bringing them to you.
Wharf You can find the following sites
of Santa Barbara City and County on this page.
Santa Barbara Governments Links - Tourist Information
Education - Clubs - Arts and Entertainment - General Interest
News Papers, TV and Radio - Santa Barbara Politics
Santa Barbara Area Businesses

If you know of an important site that should be added send us an e-mail
Only sites that will fit in the above categories will be considered.

click on any of the locations below

If you would like to see a place in Santa Barbara, send us an E-mail we may be able to put it on our Special Request Page

! Special Request Page !

The Visit of the
"USS Abraham Lincoln"
Feb. 14. 2000

A stroll on
State Street

The Wharf

Santa Barbara

Shoreline Park

Chase Palm Park

Alice Keck
Memorial Garden

The Douglas Family Preserve

German-American Frienship Picnic Grove

Escondido Park
Westwood Hills

The Secet Path

New places will be added as time goes on.

© Copyright
1998-2000 by
Wm. Rauchhaus

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