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Shoreline Park...

...runs along Shoreline Dr. and the bluffs above Leadbetter Beach.
You have an unbelievable view of the islands, the harbor, the beaches and our beautiful city.

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This is the view toward the city and the harbor.
Leadbetter Beach is just below the steep bluff.
This spot of the beach is a fevered with the local surfers.

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Shoreline Park runs along the shoreline just east of Stearns Wharf.
On the right is a nicely designed playground for our children.

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Visitors can walk down the wooden steps to the beach below.

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On the left is Shoreline Drive, a very busy street, where you can only drive 25mph.
Irmgard is watching a Yacht coming by on the way to the harbor.

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Walking along the bluff, you can see the seagulls sitting on the rooftops, waiting for a handout.
While the sailboats having a good time off the Santa Barbara coast.

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Shoreline Park is also planted with flowers and trees like all the other Santa Barbara parks.
The beautiful tree in the center is a red blooming Coral Tree.

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