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§tarlight Princess' Sailor Site

Hello, and welcome to my palace. I am the §tarlight Princess. Over the years I have watched Sailor Moon and her scouts very closely. I have often wished I was part of the scouts, but alas, it is not meant to be. Instead of being a scout I made a library of facts about them. Please feel free to roam my palace and look where ever you like. I have pictures, biographies, sounds and links. I often update my information and I hope you enjoy my palace. : ) I hope to hear from you and feel free to use the chat and, please, sign the guestbook. This is of a happy era. Let's keep it that way. You may take all the pictures you wish, unless there is a message asking you not to. Now, go my children. Go and enjoy!

Scout Information

Serena/Sailor Moon
Amy/Sailor Mercury
Raye/Sailor Mars
Lita/Sailor Jupier (My personal Fav! : ) )
Mina/Sailor Venus
Rini/Sailor Chibi Moon
Susan/Sailor Pluto
Alex/Sailor Uranus
Michelle/Sailor Neptune
Helen/Sailor Saturn
Darien/Tuxedo Mask
The Guardians
The Starlights

Sailor Moon Series Sounds

Sailor Moon Wavs!
Sailor Moon Midis!
Sailor Moon M2s!

This is my Guardian Kitty. Her name is Kiwi! She was born April 11, 1998. She watches out for bad ppl, like the Negaverse. BTW:Please don't take Kiwi from here, if you want to adopt your own Guardian Kitty go to My Little Moon Kitties.

I am also a member of S.M.R.C!! What is that you wonder? Well, click here and find out!
Sailor Moon Romances Club

Don't you just love those baddies? Well, I do. Especially Neherenia she is way cool! Did you know she is Queen Serenity's twin sister in the Manga? That makes her Serena's aunt! Cool huh? Well, this is a cool little club join it is really cool and lots of fun!

Choose your destiny...

This is a page about me!
This is a WICKED Sailor Moon site. It has great pictures and sounds.
Another GREAT Sailor Moon Page
My best male buddy's home page! He is a total peach! I LOVE YOU THOM!!! You are my bestest buddy! Called the Wood between Worlds. : )
This is my best friends 1st attempt at a home page... : )
