lyrics from the "we are all already dead" 7"

one foot in the classroom. one foot in the grave. one foot in the classroom. one foot in the grave. nineteen years of preparation it all comes down to this. all steps lead to the next step which leads to college which will prepare you for life. or was it death that my professors lectured about as they engraved professions into my brain. if you do this and you do that success and money will fall in your lap and then youre trapped and there is no going back. one foot in the classroom. one foot in the grave. one foot in the classroom. one foot in the grave. LOOKING BACK ON IT, ONE OF THE THINGS THAT UPSETS ME MOST ABOUT MY COLLEGE EXPERIENCE WAS THE WAY THAT MANY OF MY PROFESSORS WERE FOCUSED ON TRAINING US FOR WHAT WED BE DOING IN THE "REAL WORLD" AS OPPOSED TO TEACHING US INFORMATION THAT COULD BE USED IN A WIDER VARIETY OF SITUATIONS. THEY OFTEN SEEMED SO FOCUSED ON GETTING US JOBS THAT THEY FORGOT WHAT THEY WERE TEACHING. THERES MORE TO EDUCATION THAN LANDING A "GOOD" JOB AND MAKING A TON OF MONEY. DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO BE HAPPY.

when i walked in the phone was ringing thats when i knew they knew i fucked up. when i walked in the phone was ringing thats when i knew they knew i fucked up. im a slave. im a slave. im a slave and i know it. im a slave. im a slave. im a slave and i dont care. im a slave. im a slave. im a slave and i know it and i know it but i dont care. (i havent quite figured out this part yet) nine to five sounds like a nightmarish time line but how does noon to eight make you any less dead? nine to five sounds like a nightmarish timeline but how does eight to six make me any less dead? how does noon to eight make you any less how does eight to six make me any less how does two to ten make us any less dead? seven days on the spinning cycle. seven days on the roulette wheel. seven ways id love to tell you to fuck off and go to hell. I WORK TOO MUCH AND I KNOW IT. IM A SLAVE TO THE MACHINE AND IVE COME TO ACCEPT IT. I DO WHAT I HAVE TO DO TO BE ABLE TO DO WHATEVER I WANT THE REST OF THE TIME. ID LOVE TO LIVE A LIFE FREE OF PUNCHING IN AND CLOCKING OUT, BUT FOR NOW IM DOING WHAT IVE GOT TO DO. MAYBE SOMEDAY ILL FIGURE OUT HOW TO ESCAPE THIS CYCLE, BUT UNTIL THEN ILL KEEP CHUGGING AWAY, CLOCKING IN THE HOURS IN ANTICIPATION OF MY HALF HOUR LUNCH BREAK, THE END OF THE DAY, OR THE DAY I FINALLY GET TO SAY "SO LONG, FUCK OFF, FARWELL" TO EACH AND EVERY BOSS I HAVE EVER HAD.

im not a puppet. im not a pawn. not to be kicked in the back or spit upon. cuz this shit is larger. this shit is real. this shit is life and its my life you steal. conditioned from day one to accept their idea of fun. to accept their idea of goals. to accept being bought and sold. i will not accept your life. im holding on to what is mine because i reject your values. i reject your goals. i reject your system and i reject being bought and sold to the highest bidder. cuz im not a puppet im not a pawn... if youve got nothing youve got nothing to lose. and if youve got nothing to lose youve already won. youve already won! IN CASE YOU HAVENT NOTICED THIS SONG AND THE TWO ABOVE IT ALL TEND TO FOCUS ON A COMMON THEME. THAT THEME IS WORK. WORK IS WHAT I DO RIGHT NOW. SINCE SEPTEMBER IT IS PRETTY MUCH ALL I HAVE DONE. ITS SICK AND WHATS EVEN MORE DISGUSTING IS THAT PEOPLE DO THIS DAY AFTER DAY, YEAR AFTER YEAR UNTIL THEY CANT DO IT ANYMORE. I DONT WANT TO BE THEM. IM NOT GOING TO WORK DAY IN DAY OUT FOR SOME CORPORATION JUST BECAUSE THEY OFFER ME THE MOST MONEY. IF YOUVE GOTTA WORK 40+ HOURS A WEEK, IT HAD BETTER BE SOMETHING THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. THOSE ARE WORDS TO LIVE AND DIE BY.
