photo by corey or carter or someone in cobra kai

samsara is a very general sanskrit term which to many people means a life controlled by patterns of superficial habits, obsessions, and compulsions. in our quest for happiness we get caught in these patterns and can not break away from them. these patterns go from jobs to relationships to any kind of addiction. as adults most people will spend nearly half of their time awake working for a boss or doing a job that they dont enjoy. one would think that since people dedicate so much of their time to their jobs, they would actually take the time to find something that they would like to do. but, since the word happiness has now become synonomous with "financial success" most people will do do whatever they can to make the most amount of money. they fall into their shitty jobs and get caught in a pattern of doing the same thing over and over again, seven days a week. its not just our jobs that we get trapped into. its sex or drugs or anything that we think will bring us happiness but may actually only make you feel good for a short time and may end up hurting multiple people. the literal definition of samsara is "prepetual wandering," wandering through life and not consciously living. it is an endless cycle of suffering which most of us can never break away from. so we go through seven days of samsara over and over again.
