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Cincinnatus and Rachel Graves Family

    Cincinnatus Civil War    Rachel St Clair      Cincinnatus Flower Graves Cincinnatus as Miner   

Cincinnatus Flower Graves was born on September 01, 1832 at Ashland, Ashland Co., Ohio and died on January 08, 1902 at Goldberg Idaho. He Met Rachel Evaline St Clair in Broken Bow, Custer Co., Nebraska in 1884. She was born October 22, 1847 at Portsmouth , Scioto Co. Ohio and who died on June 15, 1933 at Berkeley, Contra Costa Co., Calif. She was the daughter of Thomas Ives St Clair and Massey Feurt Noel. They were married on December 25, 1884 in Broken Bow, Custer Co., Nebraska in a double wedding with Rachel's brother Azariah.

      Rachel & Azariah           Cincinnatus Graves and his Daughter Rosa          Cincinnatus Flower
      Late 1920's Calif         It was taken around 1896 in Goldberg Idaho                Graves

Cincinnatus and Rachel St Clair had the following Children.

Thomas Goodman Graves born on September 16, 1885 at Broken Bow, Custer Co., Nebraska and who died young on April 16, 1887
Rosa Alma Graves born on April 15, 1887 at Anselmo, Custer Co., Nebraska and who died on November 28, 1960 at Vallejo, Solano Co., Calif. Rosa married Robert Coulbourne St.John born June 23, 1878 on February 17, 1907 at Spokane, Wash
   Rosa and Robert had the following children
      Albert Coulbourne St.John born April 28, 1908 who died young in March 1909
      Alma Eleanor St.John born June 17, 1909 who married Joseph Philip Theodore Stevens born October 21, 1905 in 1932
         Alma and Joe had Twelve children of whom Eight are still living
      Edna Grace St.John born October 13, 1911 who married Dudley Ellison Williams born About 1911 on September 01, 1936 at Portland Oregon
         Edna and Dudley had The following Children
              Robert Dudley Williams born on October 22, 1939
              Marjorie Rose Williams born on April 06, 1941
              Richard Kingsford Williams born on November 12, 1942
Sidney Noel Graves born on November 09, 1888 at Broken Bow, Custer Co., Nebraska and who died on December 03, 1956 at Santa Clara Co., Calif
Sidney married Wilhelmina Radke born on February 16, 1888 in Mullen, Texas and who died on September 23, 1972 at Ventura, Calif on May 10, 1910 at Oakland, Calif
Sidney and Wilhelmina had the following Children
     Noel Radke Graves born on June 27, 1911 at Oakland, Calif
     Thais Lydia Graves born on July 14, 1914 at Oakland, Calif
     Richard Wagner Graves born on July 10, 1919 at Chico, Calif

Please check out the following LINKS to view the rest of the Family Histories.

Other Graves, St John & St Clair Pages

Other Graves, St John & St Clair Links

Robert Coulbourne & Rosa St John Family
Sidney Noel & Wilhelmina Graves Family
St Clair Family of Kentucky, Ohio & Beyond
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Last updated on October, 22, 2006