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German American Friendship Picnic Grove

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On September 17. 1988 we dedicated the first face of the Grove.

Go to Main Page The inscription at the entrance reads as follows:

This Picnic Grove is gratefully dedicated to the
American People by the German Club of Santa Barbara
On behalf of all German Immigrants who had the honor
and privilege to live in, and contribute to the
betterment of the United States of America.

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Early in the morning before the crowd arrived for the dedication ceremony.

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Left: President Henry Penner is giving his dedication speech
Center: County Supervisor Tom Rogers is presenting Henry a certificate of appreciation, and thanking the club for a job well done.
Right: the German Vice Consul of Los Angeles is also speaking to the people, praising the German Club for the effort that was made in the name of German American Friendship

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Mayor Sheila Lodge is cutting the ribbon, while Henry is watching.
In the left picture is Mission Creek and on the right is a walkway through our grove.

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