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***Update 3/4/1***
New Trek Series Characters are Fake!!!

Not long after the Trek news community posted the report about a fax containing casting information regarding Series V, several people went out of their way to debunk the story. Tonight I received the following information from a London based casting director with offices in New York. This is exactly why we say to treat these reports as rumors until there is official word of some kind.

My name is (Identity Preserved) and I'm a casting director in London. Having an office in New York allows me to obtain US casting information. I'm afraid to say that all the information you have received about the next 'Star Trek' project is incorrect. The official information about the new show was given out a few weeks ago and the steps have been taken to ensure that information is kept confidential. I truly believe that this is someone's idea of a practical joke. Even though the party in question went to extreme lengths to make the character info as a real document, it's a fake.

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