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My Hanks Ancestors

My Hanks Ancestors have been traced back to Thomas Hanks of Virginia. Thomas Hanks was born around 1600 and died in 1674. Thomas married Elizabeth ???? and they had a son named William Hanks (1655-1704). William married Sarah Woodbridge (1653-1708) and they had a son named William Hanks II (1679-1733). William II married Hester C. Mills and they had a son named John Hanks (1714-1790). John married Mary Mott and they had a son named Mott Hanks (1742-1821). Mott married Mary ???? and they had a son named Elijah born in 1781. Elijah married Phadra Reames (1795-1859) and they had a son named William Howell Hanks (1829-1863). William married Mary Francis Dunn (1839-1910) and they had a son named James Oliver Hanks (1858-1933). William (1829-1863) fought in the war with Mexico in 1847. He was also in the C.S.A. Army and was killed in the War Between The States at Port Gibson, Mississippi. He was a First Sergeant in the 23rd Alabama Infantry Regiment. James Oliver Hanks (1858-1933) married Sarah Emiline Middleton (1880-1908) and they had a daughter Ola Mae Hanks (1905-1984). Ola Mae married Conrad Theodore Black (1905-1969) and they had a daughter Cora Oleene Black (born 1939).Cora Oleene married Phillip Norman Williams (born 1935) and they had Richard, Timothy and Steven Williams (Me).* For the Ancestors of Sarah Emiline Middleton see (My Middleton Ancestors) page. My Middleton Ancestors

Children of Thomas and Elizabeth Hanks

Children of William and Sarah Hanks

Children of William II and Hester Hanks

Children of John and Mary Hanks

Children of Mott and Mary Hanks

Children of Elijah and Phadra Hanks

Children of William Howell and Mary Hanks

Children of James and Sarah Hanks