Photos By: T.A.Goetz Jan.28,2004
The Orange Tree.
Perfect source of Vitamin C and Natural Sugars.
The Coconut Tree.
The Coconut has a very tasty white juice
that stays Cool and Refreshing even after
hanging in the sun all day. It also has
an awesome tasting meat that you scrape
from the inside of the fruit.
The Papaya Tree. A properly
ripened papaya is juicy, sweetish and somewhat
like a cantaloupe in flavor, although musky
in some types. The fruit (and leaves) contain
papain which helps digestion and is used to
tenderize meat. The edible seeds have a spicy
flavor somewhat reminiscent of black pepper.
The Cashew Tree.
This Tree has a small fruit that is used for
treating sore throats.
Another Orange Tree!!
One little fact in Suriname: Most Oranges
are actually Green!!
The Suriname Cherry.
This fruit tastes alot like the American
Cherry, but it is a little on the sweet side
and it turns Yellow or Orange instead of red!
This is another picture of the
Cherry Tree.
This is the Mango.
These fruits are everywhere in Suriname.
The flesh of a mango is peachlike and juicy,
the flavor is pleasant and rich and high in
sugars and acid.
This is another Papaya Tree.
The Papaya is also used for making fragrances.
This is the Gole Mango.
It is very much like the fruit of the Cantelope.
This is the Kwasie-Bita Bush.
This plant is used for treating high fevers
and Malaria.
A Few Pictures For You Mr. Danny!
I hope that these pictures help you out a little. I am trying to remember what each of them are. Make sure you ask your mom. She may remember the names of them. There is alot of information on the Web. All you have to do is look for it! Have a great night Danny! Say HI!! to your Mom, Carlos and Melissa!