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Spiritual Art of Healing

Reviews of the Art of John-Brian Paprock

(taken from written comments and letters on file)

 ~ Gallery I ~ Gallery II ~ Sacred Places Photo Gallery

While we're on the subject of great artwork, the new PAINT BOX disc is out. The cover and disc art feature Madison Wisconsin artist, John-Brian Paprock. Great music, great package. 


Check out the band at

- Unsung Hero Magazine   Issue 18 - December 2000

Thank you for your wonderful creations.

- Jim Clark, Webmaster

God has certainly given you a spiritual gift of modern "Iconography".  Your paintings bring me into the presence of Jesus immediatedly.  They are true "Ikons". I am awaiting more of your work on your website. I believe your work leads us into the ancient mystical experience I am describing.

+Bp Robert Smith, OST

I looked at beautiful paintings on your web page, and they were beautiful. If you don't mind, I am sending out your url to several people, and churches so they can view them as well...They are truly beautiful!

- Reverend Rickey Morris DD

I enjoyed your artwork.  You have a great gift from God.   Continue to use it for His Glory!

- Father Ken Anatoly

Those are mighty good works.  I see in them an active motion and the contrast of red, orange and yellow against the blue and the black.  Both an expression of your love for life and search for peace.  The viewer is always drawn to the center like falling in a well or viewing a scene through a tunnel.  This gives your work a very central focus.

- Paul Sarmiento

I certainly admire (and know) your artwork and I feel flattered to have been on your list to see them. I have seen similar images when I pray for others, and rarely have I seen artwork that was so reminiscent of the spiritual aspects of people.  Please keep it up.  They are beautiful.

- Nancy Zala

“Tremendous Work!! I love your use of light and vibrant color! Stay strong and keep up the excellent work!”

 – Amy Novak

“Creative visions – unfolding”

 – Theresa Tolan

“Thanks for sharing the healing journey.”

 – Tammy Smith

“[His] pastels have depth, richness of color and substance.  His images are subtle, yet penetrating, reaching out to emotion, mind and spirit, to reality and potential.”

 - Jura Silverman, Wisconsin Artists Showcase

“His luminous pastels stick in the mind’s eye and give form to spiritual feelings and ideas.”

-        Sally Casper, Wisconsin Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect

“I’M IMPRESSED.”  - Wm. Rowe

“Your paintings definitely speak out and express positive power.  Thanks!”

- David Kiefe

“John-Brian has produced some very unique and interesting original art.”

- Charles D. Pfeifer, Madison Urban Ministry

Art Gallery I

Art Gallery II

Photo Gallery I


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