Yeah, that's me... Tracer Bullet. I'm a private eye... it says so on my door. So you got a case, or what? The last thing I need is some dame waltzing through my door without a purpose, or some bloke lookin' for trouble. If you stumbled in here without knowing what you were getting into, kindly face the other way and stumble back out. If you think slick and you know where action sits, you've got the right address. Judging by your attire and that obnoxious posterboard, you're looking for "The Today Show." You've got your map upside down, buddy.. Rockefeller Plaza's thataway.
I'd just like to know who on Earth ExecPC thinks they are. Who are they tell me what is authorized and what is not? Any good PI is good enough to know that he needs no authorization... for anything. I stole that web counter fair and square. It's just wrong for them steal it back from under my belt. So hear it out, ExecPC... profile this. I can't stand to put Angelfire's counter on here... until then, that unauthorized banner will look just dandy in my always changing office.
Oh yeah... it's amazing how the average Joe loses perspective in an establishment like this. This office is best viewed in a resolution of 1024 x 768 in Netscape. I'm working on a way to make it look cool in all resolutions, but it's not very high on the list. So don't be a chump.
Soon enough I'll save up enough cash to buy one of those fancy new file cabinets from Chandler Corp. Until then, my case files are located here.
Yeah I know, I don't need you to tell me that it's quite thin at the moment. It's not like people hire a private dick on a daily basis.
My favorite part about my office. Just pull that baby down and your ready to take off into the world shadows and shades of gray. In this room you only
see things black and white. And no, I don't take requests. My foreign policy
Style. This is only place you'll find it. In a metropolis of treachery and hate I own an office. And only in this city lies the natural perfect taste.
Every good PI needs a quick source of information that he can exploit at a moments notice. But any PI worth his salt also knows how to keep things confidential.
Be nice and I might let you in on a couple of links.
counter reset- (bah.. it doesn't matter)
last updated- 8/13/00
I shouldn't have to tell you that all images, comics, and other Calvin and Hobbes material are Copyright ©1999 United Press Syndicate All credit concerning Tracer Bullet and Calvin and Hobbes should be directly given to Bill Watterson. A special thanks to him for creating Calvin and Hobbes. He gave me an excuse to read the newspaper.