The Chippewa Valley
Bank has donated $2,500 to S.O.U.L. (Save our Unique Lands) They are now
challenging ALL Banks And Businesses To Match Or Make A Donation To S.O.U.L.
In The Fight To Oppose The POWER LINE!
The Exland Rod & Gun Club
has donated $1,000 to S.O.U.L. and now challenges ALL area Sportsmen Clubs,
to preserve our outdoors, To Match or Make A Donation To S.O.U.L. (They
have placed a half page ad in the Ladysmith Paper with their challenge)
It is time to step up to the plate and support your
local citizens, customers neighbors and friends in this struggle! There
is overwhelming opposition to the Arrowhead to Weston project and your
customers, friends, neighbors and fellow citizens need your support!
Thank You all for your support,
from the very bottom of Our hearts!
Others who had accepted the challenge.
Ringstad Construction
Weisenberger Realty Inc.
Rusk Co. Realty
Big Bear Inc.
Artisians Inc.
Engergy Innovations
Wolosek and Wolosek CPA's.
Anderson Logging
Presto Prints
Marathon State Bank
This is the half page ad which was
also paid for by Chippewa Valley Banks as it appears in several newspapers.