Health Concerns
Ample data exists to demonstrate serious
health risks posed by EMFs from UK Scientists Link Power Lines to Child Leukemia March 6, 2001 Read "Do High Voltage Lines Cause Cancer?" in
in home, childhood leukemia linked - Brodeur Testifies Before
Nebraska Legislature -
QUOTES "In summary, I believe
that there is ample evidence that EMF exposure is associated with
increased cancer in humans." "I am now convinced
that EMF's pose a health hazard. There is a "In the Department of
Health, we've been answering questions about the dangers by telling
people to avoid fields at the level of 3 mG. The utilities recently
complained to the governor's office about it and the governor has tried
to make us stop saying this when people call. But we feel strongly that
we can't just pass the buck the way they do. After all, we're
responsible for the public health." "In all my years of
looking at chemicals, I have never seen a set of "Based on the data base
we have right now, I think the probability of hazards to human health
from exposure to EMF's is high. It has been pretty well accepted by most
scientists now.... The issue is not whether there is biological effects
or possible harm, but at what level and what duration of exposure - that
question we have not answered." "We will proceed on the
assumption that there is a connection between exposure to lower
frequency magnetic fields and cancer, in particular, childhood
cancer." "From available
epidemiological and laboratory data, it appears both prudent and
responsible to set limits on permissible future [EMF] exposures." "As the methods of
assessing exposure were refined, we found that the association between
magnetic fields and the risk of developing childhood leukemia became
stronger, particularly in children diagnosed at a younger age" |