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North American Prairie
Harmful Hydro

From Sierra Club's Magazine Nov/Dec 2000

Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 22:24:42 -0600
From: Stacy Volk <>

We're pleased to pass onto you the text of an article from the
November/December 2000 issue of Sierra magazine (page 79 in the paper
version) about opposition to Manitoba Hydro.  Thanks to Anne Ostberg,
who began the Sierra Club campaign, "Harmful Hydro," and who circulated this article.

North American Prairie
Harmful Hydro

Since the 1970s, Manitoba Hydro has rerouted rivers and dammed lakes
in 50,000 square miles of boreal forest. Flooding caused by the
government-owned power project, which sells almost half of the power
it generates to the United States, has also washed out 3 million
acres of traditional Pimicikamak Cree land. Minnesota's Northern
States Power, Manitoba Hydro's biggest customer, now wants to
purchase even more wattage.

The North Star Chapter's Harmful Hydro campaign is working to
galvanize Minnesotans to stop the buy and unplug altogether from the
Canadian company.

"Many people think hydroelectric power is clean," says Kate Kempton of
Sierra Club Canada. "In fact, big hydro projects flood wetlands and
forests, and the vegetation rots under water, releasing methane-a gas
that causes global warming."

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission will most likely make its
decision on the power buy-and on the fate of the Cree and their
lands-in early 2001.

To comment, contact Gregory Scott, Chair, Minnesota Public Utilities
Commission, 121 Seventh Place East, Suite 350, St. Paul, MN 55101 or Or send a letter direct from our Web site:


Please come to our sidewalk witness on Thursday, Nov 16, 11:45-12:45
outside the PUC at 7th Place East and Roberts in downtown St. Paul.  Bring a

Please also mark your calendar and plan ahead to attend the PUC meeting
Thursday, November 30th,
9 a.m.-12 noon.

Minnesota Witness for Environmental Justice
update line:  651-255-6945

 Come to the 
PSC Hearings!

P.O. Box 11
Mosinee, WI 54455