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Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 20:19:39 -0600
Save Our Unique Lands (SOUL)
Contact: Ed Garvey or Pam McGillivray 608-256-1003

Background: The technical hearings consisting of experts on both sides, began today in Madison at the Public Service Commission. The hearings are being conducted by Administrative Law Judge, Janine Geske who also presided over two weeks of public hearings where over 1,000 citizens came forward in opposition to the Arrowhead-Arpin line. (250 miles from Superior to Wausau.)

Tom Kreager, President of SOUL participated throughout today’s session. The first witness was Larry Borgard, vice-president of Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, one of two utilities wishing to construct the quarter-billion dollar 13 story line.

Kreager made these observations: “It was good to finally get one of the utility executives under oath. Borgard admitted that the proposed line would increase wheeling of power outside of Wisconsin. They have already admitted that the line would not help people of northwest Wisconsin and now it seems that the market will determine how much, if any electricity from this line will remain in Wisconsin.

“In what must be described as bizarre, Borgard admitted that his company has already sold the rights to the line and will not have any control over the flow of electricity over the line should it be approved. He also admitted that even if there were a shortage of electricity in Wisconsin that his company would not build new generating plants in Wisconsin for the foreseeable future unless the State of Wisconsin deregulates his industry. Blackmail might be too strong a term but it comes to mind.

“Borgard wants permission to overbuild a line for improbable and extraordinary circumstances. He cited one-if coal were cut off from Southeastern Wisconsin. “Finally, Borgard could not determine if the sale of this proposed line will help or hurt the shareholders of Wisconsin Public Service Corporation.

“It is our hope that the PSC will determine that this is a bad idea that is opposed by the Department of Natural Resources, the National Park Service, 8 of 11 County Boards impacted by the line. It should not be approved.”

P.O. Box 11
Mosinee, WI 54455

PSC Technical
Hearings Begin January 3, 2001

Technical Hearings 
News Release January 4, 2001

See the Schedule of PSC Hearing Dates and Locations

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