Update on court case |
January 15, 2004 SOUL and Clean Wisconsin file a Petition For Judicial Review in Dane County. No hearing date set at this time.
December 17, 2003 Quick Update:
SOUL PO Box 11 Mosinee, WI 54455 www.wakeupwisconsin.com Soul is a grassroots organization whose mission is to promote efficient and orderly management of power, based on the needs of Wisconsin, while protecting the natural, social and economic environments and citizens of Wisconsin. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Who’s Confused? September 23, 2003 Mosinee, WI---- True to form, the American Transmission Company's (ATC) recent press release(http://www.arrowhead-weston.com/news/09-19-03%20A-W%20hearings.doc),ostensibly recapping the outcome of the Arrowhead-Weston technical hearings,demonstrates once again that the ATC is better at creative writing than presenting complete and accurate information concerning the Arrowhead Weston transmission line. Arrowhead-Weston, a bulk-transfer transmission line initially proposed to serve the needs of eastern Wisconsin, is now touted, by the ATC, to address the needs of northwestern Wisconsin.*** Who in their right mind would spend a half-billion dollars of Wisconsin's ratepayer money to build a line to support Northwestern Wisconsin - a group of counties that use less than 6% of the state's total electricity each year? In fact, the Arrowhead line is designed to facilitate California-style deregulation in Wisconsin, and reap big money for ATC as they profit from the wheeling of energy THROUGH Wisconsin to points East. Unfortunately, just as California was duped by Enronitis - Wisconsin is subjected to ATCitis on a regular basis. In an irresponsible attempt to mislead readers through selective quotations taken out of context, ATC's recent press release would lead one to believe that SOUL's expert witness at the technical hearings, Dr. Art Hughes, endorses the Arrowhead line for bulk-transfer purposes. Dr. Hughes clearly stated to the utility upon questioning, "its like comparing apples to oranges." It is clear from Dr. Hughes 1999 Chisago testimony, when reviewed in it’s entirety, that he originally viewed Arrowhead as a possible alternative to a proposed Chisago line - for local load purposes only. His testimony was presented four months prior to his review of any documentation released by the utilities about using the proposed Arrowhead-Weston transmission line, instead, as a regional "reliability" solution. Dr. Hughes' recent pre-filed testimony at the PSC, and cross examination by ATC attorneys, has made it quite clear that the proposed Arrowhead line cannot provide Wisconsin with regional security against blackouts. In fact, Dr. Hughes testified that, as proposed, the Arrowhead line would most likely rapidly cascade out of service during any similar disturbance like the recent east coast event. Dr. Hughes, through the use of industry studies and comparisons, demonstrated ways Wisconsin can enjoy a better return on investment of state ratepayer dollars, provide system reliability, and upgrade the current system to best serve the energy market, all without the use of the Arrowhead line! Dr. Hughes also testified that for the money, Arrowhead is extremely limited in its ability to import electricity into Wisconsin, will require complex and expensive equipment and procedures even to operate, and will actually drive the need for multiple huge new 345 kilovolt transmission lines across central Wisconsin. The limitations of Arrowhead in regards to providing any security measures for Wisconsin were "clearly lacking and involved less than adequate engineering studies, such as would be needed for reliable operation to provide back up for any major area blackouts," said Dr. Hughes. SOUL believes it is time for the ATC to stop wasting time and money on attempts to buffalo the public and get serious about identifying real cost effective solutions to Wisconsin's energy needs! For More Information Please Contact: Attorney Glenn Stoddard 608-256-1003,Tom Kreager pager 1-888-203-9077 or 715-693-3143 or Linda Ceylor 715-474-2271 ***Need proof? Check the front page of ATC's website at: http://www.atcllc.com, "Find out more about our Arrowhead-Weston project - a new 220-mile transmission line needed to accommodate electric load growth and improve electric reliability in northwestern Wisconsin." Then review the Public Service Commission's (PSC) final order at: http://psc.wi.gov/pdffiles/ord_notc/6259.PDF, page 28. "When placed in operation, the Arrowhead-Weston project will substantially improve the ability of Wisconsin utilities to import power reliably into eastern Wisconsin."
SOUL PO Box 11 Mosinee, WI 54455 www.wakeupwisconsin.com Soul is a grassroots organization whose mission is to promote efficient and orderly management of power, based on the needs of Wisconsin, while protecting the natural, social and economic environments and citizens of Wisconsin. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 29, 2003 Wausau, WI---- Public fails to attend transmission line informational meetings! The first informational meeting held in Wausau failed to generate any significant attendance. The cramped room appeared nearly full to capacity with just the presence of the American Transmission Company’s representatives before the meeting was even opened to the public. SOUL president Tom Kreager commented, "At any given time I knew 90% of the people in the room. They either represented ATC or they were members of SOUL showing their support at our informational booth." SOUL had hoped for a chance to meet with local businesses and government officials. Their lack of presence seems to indicate that ATC does not have as much business support for their project as they seem to think. SOUL and others have recently identified serious engineering flaws surrounding the proposed line and its failure to address reliability concerns. These shortcomings, along with the skyrocketing price need to be shared with those who may unknowingly support the most expensive mistake in Wisconsin’s utility history. "We thought this would be a good place to get the word out, but there appears to be little interest in ATC’s informational meetings", stated Kreager. For More Information Please Contact: Tom Kreager 715-693-3143 or Linda Ceylor 715-474-2271 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ POLICE PROTECTION FOR NEIGHBORS Those involved fighting for citizen’s rights sometimes feel that we have seen it all. After all, we usually lack the vast resources of the corporate activities that we oppose, armed only with the truth and local support of the areas these corporations seek to dominate for the fiscal gain. SOUL has been opposing the Arrowhead-Weston Transmission Line for over four years. The American Transmission Company (ATC), who has taken the lead in proposed construction, and re-approval by regulators of this project due to astronomical price increases, had now proposed informational meetings to once again promote this project to a public who remains, this many years later, in strong opposition. Odd enough that the informational meetings invitation sent to landowners was undersigned by an ATC Vice President, who referred to himself as "your Arrowhead-Weston neighbor". Odder yet was that SOUL, was also invited to present information about the project. While we have much information, our views are not ATC’s. Our board agreed that the need to fully inform the public and objectively answer questions from a viewpoint that does not promote a project adding to the corporate bottom line would be in the public’s best interest. Heading into uncharted territory, we went. Along the way, several organizations also requested to represent their interest in opposition to the line. Fortunately, one of the three others requesting space was allowed, and Wisconsin Stewardship Network (WSN) was also able to distribute information about why their member organizations have made this issue a priority for the past three years. ATC sent information regarding size of display, people allowed to man booths, and other various rules to the selected opposing participant. Working together to agree to disagree, we headed off for three days of meetings in Wausau, Spooner, and Superior, Wisconsin. We had hoped the businesses, invited by the area Chambers of Commerce would funnel through the large ATC displays (clearly in violation of their own size rules for display), but not many showed up. Attendance was sparse; possibly fifty people in a four hour period, most of them were our members. It was day two in Spooner, that we realized we had not seen it all. The event was held in a local Methodist Church, rather than the usual rental conference room. Providing "security" for the event, were three uniformed Spooner Police officers. Police guarding a meeting (one at the outside entry, two in the narrow hallway that led to a small meeting room) held within a church was something that took most of us aback. Two members, attending to discuss the line with the ATC asked "who had approved the police; they would talk to the board and voice their opinion of need for officers to oversee this event!" There was the altercation between an ATC Vice President and a member of the church who had not read personally read the guidelines and wished to place a small card table at the end of the room to talk with area landowners, her physical neighbors for years, and to share a display of her feelings about the project. It seemed she had received permission in the past to use that table in the church. She also had her family bible with her, given to her mother by the same church. Maybe the police were there to control citizens like her? Another gentleman, sharply spoke to the VP, demanding that he never again identify himself as this person’s neighbor. The police, through all the above events kept their distance, but were alert in the event this "rowdy" crowd should require crowd control. Turns out the only control they needed was to shut down early, at the following days meeting in Superior. In the conference room format, the officers looked a bit less out of place. There was of course the farmer who attended with the intention of passing out a bushel basket of tomatoes along with a letter stating his concerns about the effects of the proposed transmission line on his vegetable farm. It was his way of connecting the two issues. Police confiscated the basket at the door, but he was allowed entry, presumably to learn about all the benefits of the project. There was, after all, that DVD that showed everyone from city folk to farmers delighted they too had a transmission line on their property. It was, however, the County Board Chairperson, all too willing to discuss the project in depth at each of the booths who required the intervention, a half hour prior to the programs scheduled ending. The ATC’s VP told the officers to "shut it down" prior to leaving hurriedly. As the officers came to tell us to take down that display, they had to stop to visit. After all, several years before, several of them had worked with the ex-officer, county board member, and an avid supporter of SOUL. After all, they are neighbors. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ December, 2002 Our court case in Marathon County has been stayed due to the refiling at the PSC by the American Transmission Company (ATC) informing the PSC that the costs of the line are now in excess of $397 million, as opposed to the $165 million cost the line for which the line was approved. The case will reconvene, should this be necessary, after the PSC's decision on construction of this transmission line at the increased cost. March 25, 2002 SOUL’s petition for review has been filed with the circuit court in Marathon County. Petitions filed by SOUL, Citizens’ Utility Board (CUB) and Wisconsin’s Environmental Decade (WED) have all been assigned to the Honorable Vincent K. Howard. Judge Howard will hold the first hearings in this matter on March 25, 2002, at 3:15 p.m. at the Marathon County Circuit Court, Branch 3, 500 Forest St., Wausau, Wisconsin 54403. At that hearing, the Judge Howard will decide which parties, in addition to those who appeared before the Public Service Commission, to allow into the case as intervenors and will likely decide a motion to dismiss SOUL’s case and WED’s case that has been filed by Wisconsin Public Service Corporation. Because of the importance of the motion to dismiss, SOUL members are encouraged to attend the court proceedings that day. Please do not bring signs or other props, but you should feel free to wear your SOUL shirts. I hope to see many of you on March 25, 2002 to demonstrate the seriousness of the issues you have brought through your organization to the Court and the widespread support that SOUL has in the community. Please email Tom Kreager, SOUL’s president, at projectd@dwave.net or Pam McGillivray, Attorney for SOUL, at gspamela@aol.com if you have any questions.