Northwestern Wisconsin County Board Votes
To Oppose Transmission Line
9 Counties of the eleven affected by the so-called Arrowhead-Weston "bulk transfer" 345,000 volt line OPPOSE the line. Washburn County tonight voted unanimously against the line. For immediate release:
Northwestern Wisconsin County Board Votes To Oppose Transmission Line After many months of study the Washburn County Board unanimously voted to oppose the so-called Arrowhead-Weston 345,000 volt transmission line. Washburn County Supervisor, Robert Lester, who introduced the resolution said "we hope the Public Service Commission listens to the County." "We recommend that the Washburn County Board of Supervisors oppose the construction of the Arrowhead to Weston line across Washburn County. We make this recommendation not because of any overwhelming evidence that the line should not be constructed here, but rather because of lack of solid evidence that this powerline proposal is the best option for resolving any electrical demand problems. This is very important because we feel we cannot justify the disruption of peoples lives and our environment without strong evidence showing need for the line, " the resolution states. "We have not been shown that the Arrowhead to Weston route is the best option for the location of a line or that a 345kv electrical line is the best answer for solving these problems, " the resolution continues, and further states, " We have not been shown that the construction of the Arrowhead to Weston line would have any direct benefit to Washburn County's local power grids." "The route would pass through the northeastern corner of the county and then through Sawyer county. Some huge Mennonite dairy farms are located on the Sawyer/Washburn boundary. They would be devasted by the line as well as many lake property owners", according to Ed Gregory, Stone Lake township supervisor. "What happens in Washburn County affects all the land owners up and down the line. We believe that if the line is stopped in Washburn County, the rest of the line will never be built." Washburn County Board Supervisor, Bob Olsgard, praised the committee members saying, "the passage of this resolution shows that real people can look into complex issues and in the end do the right thing. This action protects our land, our air, our water and our people." Glenn Woods, a Washburn county resident spoke to the board, "I built a solar electric house here 10 years ago and this line will do nothing for me except allow the electric utilities to continue to pollute with mercury from coal and take more of our future away from our children. I strongly disagree with this line and I highly commend our supervisors for their action in opposing this line. You are heroes, old style heroes." There are 21 members on the Washburn County Board. Four were absent tonight. |
P.O. Box 11
Mosinee, WI 54455