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Mark's Meat Balls

1 large Italian sausage
1 pound ground chuck
Italian bread crumbs
1-2 eggs
olive oil
parmesan cheese
1 package onion soup mix or 1 small chopped onion

Remove casing from the sausage and chop up. Chop mix with the sausage and add to a bowl. Add 1 cup of bread crumbs, dry soup or onions. In a separate bowl break eggs and mix, and add to the meat. Quickly mix by hand but do not over work the meat, just blend together. Make meat balls between, can use a melon baller.
In a fly pan add 2 teaspoon of olive oil and a pat of butter melt. Add the meat balls and on medium heat cook almost done. Add 1 cup of tomato sauce and place in an oven proof dish. Sprinkle some parmesan cheese, cover and place in oven on low.

Mark's Meat sauce

If you want a meat sauce, mix above recipe but omit eggs and bread crumbs. Cook meat in a fry pan breaking up the meat as it cooks. Add some sauce and cook 5 minutes or until meat is fully cooked. Add to sauce no longer then an hour before serving, but it is best if you wait and add as you are serving. Mary in Michigan

1 lb ground beef
1/2 lb diced potatoes
1/2 lb diced rutabagas
1 large onion, diced
salt & pepper to taste
Option: Carrots, 1/2 can cream or chicken soup

2 c. flour
2/3 c shortening
1/3 butter
1/3 lard
dash of salt

Mix together items 1-6. This is the filling. Prepare the crust by mixing water and items 7-9 (enough water until it sticks together). Roll out 1/4 of the dough into pie shape; put 1/4 of the filling on 1 side of the dough. Place a few pats of butter on the top. Fold it over; crimp the edges; and cut slits in the top. Repeat until you have 4 small meat pies. Bake at 350 for 1 hour.

Mary's Sloppy Joes

1# extra lean ground beef
1/4 cup chopped onion (or more)
2 tblsp chopped celery (or more)
2 tblsp. Chopped green pepper
1/2 bottle catsup
2 tblsp vinegar
1 tblsp sugar
1 tsp. Prepared mustard
1/2 tsp chili powder

Brown the meat, onions, celery and green pepper. Add catsup and seasonings. Simmer about an hour. Serve on hamburger buns.
(this works good with ground turkey also)

BBQ Meatballs (serves 10-12 people)

1 can (13 oz) evaporated milk
3# extra lean ground beef
2 eggs
2 cups quick oatmeal
1 cup chopped onion
2 tsp. Salt
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp pepper

Mix and shape into golf ball size . Put in a single layer in 13-by-9 pan. (I make them smaller and find 48 meatballs will fit into the pan)

Meat Sauce:
2 cups catsup
1 tsp garlic powder
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup chopped onion

Dissolve, and pour over meatballs. Bake 1 hour at 350*

Eleanor’s Baked Ham by watchlady's mom

Wrap your ham completely in wax paper (yes!) Mom always bought the old fashioned ham with the bone in. Put in a pan. Do not cover with a lid. Bake a couple hours to heat thru at 300 – 325*

Beef Stew

1-1/2 # beef stew meat
2 medium onions
5 stalks celery
2 large potatoes
5 carrots

Cut the above ingredients into large chunks and add about 1 tsp. Salt and ˝ tsp pepper….or to taste
Mix 1 tblsp corn starch with 1-1/2 cup of tomato juice. Pour over mea t and vegetables. Bake in covered dish at 250* for 4 hours.

Roast Beef au Jus (prime rib)

Any size prime rib roast. Let stand at room temperature at least 1 hour before cooking.

Preheat oven to 375* Rub meat well with salt; sprinkle with pepper. Place meat fat side up in a shallow roasting pan. DO NOT COVER; DO NOT ADD WATER
Put roast in oven, cook for just one hour. Turn off heat, but do not open oven door at any time until ready to serve.
Regardless of the length of time meat has been in the oven – 30 or 40 minutes before serving, turn oven on again. Reset temperature controls to 375*. Cook meat for those remaining 30 or 40 minutes. peeking! This is important!
Now open oven door; remove roast to serving platter. Garnish with parsley.
The meat will be very brown and crisp on the outside. Carve thin slices. You’ll find it beautifully pink all the way through.

Tacos by Judy L in Wisconsin

3# extra lean ground chuck (browned)
2 small cans tomato sauce w/ mushrooms
salt, pepper
chopped onions optional
1 cup water
2 pkg taco seasoning

After browning the meat, mix together the above ingredients and simmer for about 30 min. Warm taco shells before serving. Serve with grated cheddar cheese, chopped lettuce, and chopped tomatoes. Diced onion, if desired.