The Links Page

Want to link us to your page? Please do! Want us to link you? Just e-mail us and ask! Know about a kick-ass site that's not listed here, but should be? Tell us! And remember: if you couldn't find it here, it must not be that important.

To link us, click HERE!

Our links to other Slayers sites

Crimson Tears v3.0 Miss Nightfall has revamped her site-- again. Go here to see all the amazing stuff she's done, from fanfics (Slayers, Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Sorcerer Hunters, and more) to original stories and comics. And check out all her cool links. Yeah. GO! NOW!

Passion Fruit It's Harukami-sama's own site! WOO! She's another incredible writer who puts my mindless drivel to shame. She has TONS of fanfics by herself and various guest authors (I'm one). Lots of variety, and her original stories are not to be missed, either. GO HERE TOO! ...Please?

Stephanie's Realm of Insomnia Well, there's a new place for of the insomniacs out there to go to. She's got a great page outlook and the music on the page is wonderful.

The Queen of Swords page of Rather Silly Things. Like fanfics? YOU MUST GO HERE! Her Highness-ness writes some of the BEST fanfiction in all Creation, like Zel on the Couch and Zel on the Road. Tell her we sent ya!

Trickster Xelloss' Hideaway--Syrina's Page Her fanart is absolutely amazing-- I feel like a rank amateur in comparison! Check out her original Slayers manga, "To Copy a Dream." It's too cool for words.

Slayers UniverseOne of the most informative Slayers sites on the web.

Eugene's Animation Her fanart makes me want to weep with envy. It's Eugene, the Fanart Goddess! I wish I was half as good... *sniff*

Deathra's Slayers Links If you can't find it here, then it doesn't exist! More links than you can shake a stick at (though why you'd wanna do that, I can't imagine...)

Amina's Shrine to Slayers

The Z&A Writers Guild It's the Zelgadis and Amelia Writers Guild.

Sedalia's Slayers Page A Mazoku shrine, hosted by the Sorceress Sedalia.

Lina/Gourry-Zel/Amelia FOREVER A "standard couple" shrine, for those who like to keep it the way it was meant to be.
