October 15th, 1864

Cairo, Illinois

Camp Cairo, Illinois


Cairo Ill. Oct 15 1864

Dear Sister

I have been waiting to get an answer from Ike before I wrote again but none had come and now I will write to you and see if you will do any better. Ike said in his letter to Dave as ye give so shall ye receive therefore he cant expect any more from me for I have not received what I have given.

To commence with I am well as common with the exception of a slight cold which I have catched in consequence of the change of weather. I have however just taked 3 of Ayers pills and if I receive one half the blessing that Hiram pronounced as I took them one by one I shall be prepared to jump any ten foot fence in the country by tomorrow morning.

Dave is getting along finely. He will come back to the barracks to morrow if nothing happens. I tell you the new bass drum needs a man that can beat it right. Hi has been to the Hospital for a few days, but is with us again now. Austin Chrisler has come, he is well.

Since I have been writing half of our regiment have been ordered to go on to the boat armed and equiped. I have this minute seen them march on our company is with them they expect to be gone two or three days near as I can get at it - they are going down the river about 2 5 miles to take some guerillas who are constantly fireing in to steam boats that are passing up and down the river not many of the musicians have gone.

I got a letter from Aunt Julia this afternoon. She says that Mort and herself are going home with Ma and that Uncle Dave is going to sell out and go to in the spring isn’t that good news. I hope they will like it there. May be that Uncle would take my place if Ike has not let it-

I hear that Stephen Lewis is coming down here next month if so I would like to have you send me some things if he will fetch them. I would like a can of butter a piece of cheese, a little honey and a loaf of Indian bread. I can buy such things here but I cant get that that is good and sweet like yours. I will pay all expense. I played for a dance with John and Lewis last Wednesday evening we played till 12 o’clock and got 2 dollars apiece, they want us to play twice a week all winter if we stay here. we don’t know whether we will or not yet.

George and Sarah in their letters asked me if I am fife Major tell them yes, and that Dave is Bass drummer. Beeby is Drum Major. I must stop for it is time to play the tattoo.

From your Brother


Write soon. give my respects to all friends