Cairo, Illinois
Cairo Ill. May 21st, 1865
Dear Brother
I received your letter in due time.We are all well as usual with one or two exceptions. Harvey Barnes is in the Hospital sick with the Lung fever I believe, it was an accute attack, & he is getting better fast, he thinks Will be out in a week or so. George Mortor is in there too with sore eyes. He has been quite sick otherwise.
Hi Northrup has had the mumps but is better or I should say well & doing duty. Den York is sick with them now, I hope he wont catch cold, with the few exceptions Co C is all right.
Our Regt is all here now except Co B who are at Springfield Ill., there is also two companies of Illinois troops here under the command of our Colonel, making eleven companies, the boys are having it much easier now. The boys are all feeling good over the probability of being sent home in a short time, I suppose you have seen the order to reduce the expenses of the Government one million dollars a day, & reduce the number of men in the army to four hundred thousand. If we are one of the lucky Reg you can look for us I a month or so if not, then we shall stay until our time is out, which not a very long time at the longest. There is all manner of speculation in regard to it here among the boys, & nothing else talked of at present. Well if we stay I am having a very soft thing just now for a soldier, since Co H came back & drove us out of their barracks & broke up our Mess, the Drum Major & I have been boarding with the rest of Non Commish at the Soldiers Home, all Soldiers who have no companies to fail back on can board there, all we have to do is go about 30 rods on a good walk, & eat, & have good living. I find it is no disadvantage to have an office even if it is a small one like mine.
Earley says he had a good visit with you think you have two very smart children & your wife, well I shant say what he said about her but thinks it is the place for him & his wife to visit. The weather has been quite chilly for a day or two the river is going down fast. Write soon of course