Springfield, Illinois
Springfield, Illinois
June 2nd, 1865
Dear Brother,
Your kind letter of the 20th came to hand about a week ago. I should answered it before, but I had no postage stamps nor any means of getting any, but I had a few come to me last night from home. My health is good as usual and I hope these few lines find you enjoying the same great privledge. The folks at home are as well as usual. Mother, Ellen + Aunt Nancy have gone to Minnesota on a visit. I have not heard from Josh or Adelbert for a long time. I expect Adelbert is in Washington according to all accounts. The supposition is that we will leave here before many days and that when we leave here we will go to Madison and there be mustered out. I do not care how soon for I do not think we are any benefit to Uncle Sam here now. I think there is a pretty fair prospect for us to spend the 4th of July -it home, although it is uncertain. I hope you will have the same privledge weather I do or not. We have a pretty easy time here now, we have no host to guard only we have to patron the city. We occasionally quell a row, capture a few fellows and put them in the callibose and once in a while make a raid on a whore house and capture a few soldiers and put them in safe keeping. We come on duty once in four days, we drill two hours every morning before breakfast from 5 to 7 Oclock. I have no interesting news to write today, so I will close for the present. Please write soon and oblidge you affectionate brother
Charles A Stevens
Edward B Stevens
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