Cairo, Illinois
Camp Cairo, Illinois
October 17th, 1864
Dear Brother,
I recieved yours dated october 13th last night and take this opportunity to answer it. I was glad to hear that you was getting along well and I hope these lines may find you well and on the gain and enjoying yourself I have not been very well since yesterday morning but not seriously bad off. We have pretty heavy duty to do at present. The left wing of our regt went down to night before last to take hand in a brush with the rebel gueralla Forest. We understand that they have a bit of a brush. Us fellows that is left here is on guard duty every day. I just came off guard duty this morning and I am on fatuge duty today, but it so happened that I was detailed for a place that will not have to work very hard today.
I hear from home pretty often but I have not heard from Joshua, Del, since I came here. I understand that bob hawkins is drafted with the rest, poor fellow, it makes me feel awful bad to hear of such fellows as him and Jim Kinyon being drafted. Jim Kinyon is as big a copperhead as far as his wits will carry him as ever was, but the trouble with him is the same as it is with a great many copperheads. They haven't sense enough to know what they are. The best you can say for him is that he is a regular built fool and he has not sense enoughto know it.
You must excuse my bad writing for I have a powerful pen and I feel more like sleeping today then I do like writing. Take good care of yourself. I think there is a fair prospect of us all seeing one another inside a year especially if ole abe is elected + you know what I will do what I can towards electing him. Write soon and often and oblidge a brother + friend.
Charles A Stevens to Edward B Stevens
Charles A Stevens
Co B, 42nd Regt Wis Vols
Camp Cairo, Illinois
I cant find the letter that I got from you before and I don't know but I have forgot how do direct but I will do as near as I remember.
Charles A Stevens
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